[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.39]Practice Time 练习时光 [00:01.29]Aren't you going to swim? 你不去游泳吗? [00:05.25]Are you kidding? Don't you know I can't swim? 你开玩笑吧?你不知道我不会吗? [00:08.33]You're not telling me that we drove fifty miles to come here just for a sunbath, are you? 你不会告诉我我们开了五十公里车就是来这里晒日光浴的吧! [00:14.19]Hey, don't shout! Come here! Sit closer. Now, Jim, we've had a lovely day. Don't spoil it now. 嘿,别大喊大叫的!来这里,坐近点。现在,吉姆,我们这一天过得很愉快,别把它破坏了。 [00:23.40]What about your beautiful bathing suit? We shopped all day. Don't you want to show it off? 你的漂亮泳衣怎么办?我们逛了一整天才买到的。你不想秀一下吗? [00:30.58]Everybody who walks past me sees it. Besides, it's a good sunbathing suit. 每个跑过的人都看见了啊!而且,这也是一件很好的日光浴衣。 [00:36.49]All right. Suit yourself. I'm going swimming. 好吧。你自己玩吧。我要去游泳了。 [00:40.33]Jim! 吉姆! [00:41.24]Yes! 怎么了? [00:42.21]Can you get me a beach umbrella and a deck chair? I'm really tired of lying in the sand. 你能帮我拿把沙滩伞和一把折叠椅吗?我不想躺在沙子上了。 [00:48.04]I've got a better idea. Why don't we hire a boat and go for a ride? What do you think? 我有一个更好的主意。我们为什么不租一条船呢?你觉得怎么样? [00:54.12]Are you serious? That'll be wonderful. 有的吗?太好了。