[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.20]Yeah, I want to talk about one of my pet peeves. 我想谈谈我不能忍受的事情。 [00:04.11]You know a pet peeve is something that you as a person don't like. 你知道pet peeve是指人们不喜欢的事情。 [00:08.21]You personally don't like a habit or a mannerism or something that other people do, 你个人不喜欢的习惯或是习性或是其他人做的一些事情, [00:14.49]um, for example a pet peeve could be people who don't like wrinkled shirts 比如人们可能会讨厌起皱的衬衫, [00:22.21]or they don't like it when people chew gum in public, 或者他们不喜欢其他人在公共场合咬口香糖, [00:26.31]or like the noise that some people make, or habits, mannerisms, 或者是不喜欢其他人发出的噪音,不喜欢他人的习惯、习性等等, [00:33.27]for example my grandmother, my grandmother's pet peeve was, you know, messy clothes or people who wore messy clothes. 以我的奶奶为例,她不喜欢衣衫凌乱,不喜欢别人穿凌乱的衣服。 [00:41.56]She didn't like that, you know, if someone had a hole in their sock, she would sew it up immediately. 她不喜欢这些事情,如果有人的袜子破了个洞,她会马上把它缝好。 [00:47.42]She just hated it. 她就是讨厌这种事情。 [00:48.45]It was her pet peeve, you know, if you didn't wear nice, crisp, clean clothes, 她讨厌的就是人们没有穿整洁、洁净的衣服, [00:55.20]you know, you know some people's pet peeve is, you know, when other people talk on the cell phone, ah, things like that. 而有的人会讨厌其他人讲电话。 [01:09.14]Yeah, my pet peeve is a little more complicated. 我讨厌的事情有点复杂。 [01:11.36]It's a little more unique I think than other people's pet peeves, 我觉得比其他人讨厌的东西奇怪, [01:15.59]but it's when Canadians wear, or embroider, canadian flags on their backpack. 我不喜欢加拿大人背着绣有加拿大国旗的背包。 [01:24.17]That's just something that's annoying or irritating for me. 那就是让我觉得生气、让我觉得很烦的事情。 [01:27.01]It's my pet peeve. 也是我讨厌的事情。 [01:28.20]I'm Canadian so it's not like I don't like Canada or I don't like Canadians because I am Canadian and I do love my country, 我是加拿大人,这并不是说我不喜欢加拿大或者说我不喜欢加拿大人,因为我就是加拿大人,而且我很爱我的国家, [01:37.11]but it's just so cheesy when I see so many travelers, 可是我看到许多游客, [01:41.52]usually the backpacking kind that put Canadian paraphernalia, especially Canadian embroidered flags on their suitcases or backpack. 尤其是那些背包客把加拿大的用品尤其是加拿大刺绣国旗放在旅行箱上或是背包上,我就会觉得那很俗。 [01:53.13]I don't know why it bothers me. 我也不清楚为什么那会让我感到很烦。 [01:55.17]I guess I think it's not cool, or I can't see the reason why to do that. 我想是因为那并不酷,或者是我不明白要那样做的理由。 [02:00.47]I mean, people tell me it's to show that they're not American, but, who cares? 我的意思是,人们告诉我那是表明他们不是美国人的方法,可是谁在乎呢? [02:06.31]You should be able to just tell them, 你可以直接告诉别人, [02:07.54]Hey, I'm from, you know, I'm from Canada, I'm from Vancouver, I'm from Toronto, I'm from Saskatchewan, where ever. 嘿,我来自加拿大。我来自温哥华,我来自多伦多,我来自萨克其万等等。 [02:16.21]Yeah, it's something I can consider as a personal pet peeve. 那是我个人感到生气的事情。 [02:22.25]Don't do it Canadians. 加拿大人,不要这样做。