[ti:] [ar:] [al:] [by:九九Lrc歌词网~www.99Lrc.net] [00:04.10]Hi. I'm sorry to interrupt. I knocked,but I guess you guys didn't hear me. 嗨。不好意思打扰了。我敲门了,我猜你们没听到。 [00:10.28]No, we heard you. We were just hoping that whoever it was would go away. 不,我们听见了。我们只是期望敲门的人赶快走。 [00:15.36]I'm still hoping that'll happen. 我现在也这么期望 [00:17.07]What's up, mom? 什么事,妈? [00:19.54]Well, I have good news. 我有个好消息。 [00:20.94]Um, I've been taking piano lessons with BettyApplewhite, and, uh, well, I just thought maybe I could join you guys. 我在Betty Applewhite那里上钢琴课,所以...我想也许我可以加入你们。 [00:27.38]You know, like a trio. Doesn't that sound fun? 你们知道,像一个三人组合。- 听起来很好玩吧? [00:30.07]I don't do trios, but thanks anyway. 我不搞三人组合,还是谢谢你了。 [00:33.87]Well, I don't mean to be technical here, but this show, I mean, it really is supposed to be a family thing, and I hate to point out you're not family. 我不是想打扰你们,只是这个节目,真的本该是一个家庭活动的,不好意思提醒一下你不是家人。 [00:42.44]No, but I have talent, and to most audiences, talent trumps family. 我不是,但我有才华,对大多数观众来说,才华重于家庭。 [00:47.83]Well, what makes you so sure I don't have talent? 你怎么就知道我没有才华呢? [00:51.77]Hmm, just a hunch. 就是感觉。 [00:55.02]Yeah, well, we've all seen your talent, which is a nice way oftelling you why don't you put some curtains on your bedroom window? 是啊,我们都知道你的才华了,这是尽量婉转的提醒你为什么不把卧室装上窗帘? [01:00.65]Guys! 大家... [01:01.23]Oh, come on, be honest. You didn't want any part of this until you found out that I was involved. 哦,得了,说实话。在知道我参与之前你根本不想管这事的。 [01:05.27]That is so not true! 根本不是这么回事。 [01:06.68]Oh, yes, it is. It burns you that your own daughter picked me over you. 哦就是这么回事。你的女儿选我而不是你让你冒火了。 [01:11.07]She did not pick you. It just didn't occur to her that I would agree to do it. 她没选你。她只是没想到我会同意帮忙。 [01:14.75]Well, now she knows, and if she had itto do over again, she'd pick me. 好,那现在她知道了,她要是能重新选择,她会选我的。 [01:17.70]No, she wouldn't. 不,她不会。 [01:18.96]Well, why don't we put it to a test? Julie, who would you rather have play with you? 不如我们试试看?Julie,你想要谁给你伴奏? [01:23.13]Oh, no, no, no, no. 哦,别别别别。 [01:24.14]No, it's okay, honey. Who do you want to be with you in the family talent show? 没关系的,宝贝儿。你想让谁跟你一起表演家庭才艺节目。 [01:29.50]Yes, who do you want with you in front ofall of those people? And remember, it's a church. 对,你想让谁跟你一起站在所有人面前?记得这是教堂。 [01:35.87]They are going to be judging you. 他们会来评论你的。 [01:40.96]Oh, okay. Well, first of all,you both suck, but if I had to choose, I guess I'd pick my mom. Sorry。Edie. 好吧。首先 你俩都够烂的,但是如果必须选的话,我想还是选我妈妈吧。对不起。Edie。 [01:55.45]Fair enough. I'd like my pitch pipe back, please. 算公平。正音笛请还给我。