[by:可可英语网~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.00]Sulaiman Abu Ghaith will spend the rest of his life in prison for his conviction on a terrorism case. 因为参与恐怖主义案件,苏莱曼·阿布·吉斯的余生将在监狱中度过。 [00:05.11]He is Osama Bin Laden's son-in-law, 他是奥萨马·本拉登的女婿, [00:07.59]found guilty in March on charges he conspired to kill Americans in his role as a spokesman for al-Qaeda. 三月,他被控以基地组织发言人的身份阴谋杀害美国人的罪名成立。 [00:13.12]Abu Ghaith, an Imam from Kuwait, 阿布·吉斯是来自科威特的伊玛目(领导者), [00:15.51]became the voice of al-Qaeda recruitment videos after the attacks of September 11, 2001. 自2001年9·11事件发生后,成为基地组织招募视频的发言人。 [00:20.52]He was sentenced in a Manhattan courtroom, 他在曼哈顿法庭接受审判, [00:22.75]just blocks from Ground Zero. 也就是世贸中心附近。 [00:24.48]During his trial, he claimed that his role was a strictly a religious one. 在他的审判过程中,他声称,他的角色是有严格的宗教意义的。 [00:28.01]His lawyers had asked for a 15-year-sentence, but the prosecution argued for life in prison. 他的律师团曾申诉判刑15年,但控方主张终身监禁。 [00:32.86]In New York City, Tonya J. Powers, FOX News Radio. 这里是纽约福克斯新闻广播,Tonya J. Powers为您播报。