[by:可可英语网~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00:07]The latest warning from ISIS… ISIS组织的最新警告…… [00:01:40]Came from the groups' spokesman in this 41 minute audio statement posted online. 来自该组织发言人在网上发布的录音声明,该录音长达41分钟。 [00:07:00]He's calling on Muslims around the world to kill civilians, whose country takes part in attacks against them. 他在号召世界各地的穆斯林教徒去杀害那些反对他们的国家的平民。 [00:13:02]Abu Mohammed al-Adnani also warns the coalition will not be able to defeat them 发言人阿德拿尼还警告称,联合政府将无法打败他们, [00:17:40]and calls on people to stop their sons from joining rebels that the U.S. plans to train to fight them. 同时,他们还号召人们阻止自己的儿子加入“叛军”(美国计划训练该军队来反抗ISIS组织)。 [00:23:18]Emily Wither, FOX News Radio. 这里是福克斯新闻广播,Emily Wither为您播报。