[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.27]Computers are an amazing thing, you know they have really improved people's lives over the past 15 or 20 years. 电脑是件很神奇的东西,你知道,它们在过去15-20年改善了人们的生活。 [00:11.53]You know you can do word processing. You can access libraries of information. 你知道你可以用电脑进行文字处理。也可以获得信息库。 [00:17.09]You can communicate with your friends 24 hours a day across the globe. 你可以每天24小时和全球的朋友进行交流。 [00:23.12]You can do art. You can watch movies. You can play music. 你也可以做和艺术相关的事情、可以看电影、听音乐等等。 [00:26.56]All sorts of interesting and cool stuff, that makes life more pleasurable, or makes life easier, 各种有意思的事情会让生活更愉悦,也更舒适, [00:35.37]you know, it's really an amenity that's been a big part of most people's lives for a long time now, 你知道,它作为人们生活中重要的便利设施已经存在很长时间了, [00:45.51]and they always seem to be improving and getting bigger and better. 它们一直在不断改进,变得更大更好。 [00:50.17]Well, actually, they're getting smaller and better, 实际上,它们是越来越小,越来越好, [00:52.54]but why is it that over this time, that computers never seem to run smoothly all the time. 但是为什么这么长时间以来电脑都没能保持顺利运行呢? [01:02.37]There's always little glitches and problems. 总是会出现小故障和问题。 [01:06.29]You know, computers are getting better but so are viruses. 你知道,电脑越来越好,可是病毒也是如此。 [01:12.16]Programs are getting easier and better, but they're also getting more expensive 程序变得越来越简单,越来越好,但是它们也越来越昂贵, [01:16.19]and you always have to upgrade because what you want to get doesn't work necessarily with what you have on your computer, you know. 你不得不升级因为你电脑上的程序不能满足你的需求。 [01:25.16]Internet connections are always speeding up, 网络连接在不断加快, [01:27.24]but there's always a slow internet connection, at least 20 or 25 percent of the time. 但是20%到25%的时间网络连接都很慢。 [01:33.59]You know, if you want to run something you always need to download this or download this. 你知道,如果你想运行某个东西,你就需要下载。 [01:40.53]This program is incompatible with this program. 这个程序和那个程序可能会不兼容。 [01:44.40]When you are on the internet, there is always strange pop-up ads and things like that. 你在上网的时候,总是会有奇怪的弹出式广告。 [01:50.50]E-mail! Ah, your e-mail box is full, too much memory, 电子邮件!你的电子邮箱满了,有太多的内存, [01:55.55]yeah, printers, printers are the worst of all. 还有打印机,打印机是最糟糕的。 [02:00.17]You know after all this time, why is it that printers always break down when you need to print something on time. 你知道这么长时间以来,在你需要打印东西的时候打印机总是会出故障。 [02:08.35]Hey, there's my little ramble about computers, 嘿,这些就是我对电脑的漫谈, [02:12.52]but all in all, they're good, cause without computers there wouldn't be such a wonderful site lke ELLLO. 不过总的来说,它们很好,因为没有电脑就不会有像ELLO英语这样棒的网站了。