[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.00]Japanese scientists have created the world's first news-reading robots. 日本科学家已经研发出世界上第一批读报机器人。 [00:11.29]They really look and act like human beings. 他们的外表和行为与人类很像。 [00:14.78]The android newscaster even sounded human and had a sense of humour. 机器人的新闻广播员听起来很像人类,而且还有幽默感。 [00:20.76]The scientists showed two robots to reporters in Tokyo. 科学家在东京向记者展示了两款机器人。 [00:25.37]One of them is called "Kodomoroid". 其中一台机器人叫做"Kodomoroid"。 [00:28.72]This word joins the Japanese for child, "kodomo," with the English word "android". 这个单词是将日本表达小孩的单词"kodomo"与英语单词"android"结合起来的。 [00:35.56]The other robot is called "Otonoaroid" - the combination of the Japanese word for adult with "android". 另一台机器人叫做"Otonoaroid",是与日本单词中表示成年人的"android"结合起来的。 [00:43.68]The first pieces of news read by the robots were on an imaginary earthquake in Tokyo and a raid by the FBI. 机器人阅读的第一条新闻是在想象中的东京地震,及FBI袭击事件。 [00:52.18]The robots' creator is a leading robotics professor, Hiroshi Ishiguro. 机器人的创造者,是带头的机器人学教授Hiroshi Ishiguro。 [00:58.15]He did not say when robots would read the news for real. 他没说何时机器人才能真正阅读新闻给人听。 [01:02.72]Robots are big business in Japan. 机器人在日本有广阔的市场。 [01:06.16]Many companies spend a lot of money on research and development to make robots better and better. 许多公司投资许多钱研发制作更好的机器人。 [01:12.85]The Japanese have a very positive image of robots. 日本人对于机器人有非常美好的想象。 [01:17.11]They think they are both helpful and cute. 他们认为机器人实用又可爱。 [01:20.85]In the West, people think of them as a little scary. 在西方,人们认为机器人有点吓人。 [01:24.92]They worry that robots will take over the world one day and control us. 他们担心机器人会在某一天占领世界,统治人类。 [01:30.42]Professor Ishiguro told reporters that robots are very important. Ishiguro教授告诉记者,机器人非常重要。 [01:36.05]He said: "We will have more and more robots in our lives in the future." 他说,将来我们的生活中会有越来越多的机器人。 [01:41.17]He added that robots are now not so expensive and so are increasingly becoming a part of everyday life in Japan: " 他还说,机器人的价格现在也不是很贵,所以机器人在日本逐渐变成了日常生活的一部分。 [01:50.48]Robots are now becoming affordable - no different from owning a laptop," he said. 他说,人们现在买得起机器人,与买电脑没什么区别。