[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.00]Researchers who claim women are grumpy for the equivalent of ten days a year have been called sexist by the London newspaper 'Metro'. 研究人员称女性在每年有十天脾气会比较暴躁,这些研究人员被伦敦报纸《都市》称为性别歧视者。 [00:16.44]A vitamin company called Healthspan conducted the survey, 一个名叫Healthspan的维他命公司进行了一项调查, [00:21.11]which involved interviewing 1,000 women and 1,000 men about what affects their mood. 调查采访了1,000名女性和1,000名男性,询问影响他们情绪的因素。 [00:28.05]The study said in a typical week, the average woman reckons she spends around five hours in a bad mood. 研究说明,在典型的一周之内,平常女性一般会认为自己约有5个小时心情不好。 [00:36.41] 'Metro' issued an article attacking the study for being "incredibly" and "extraordinarily" sexist. 《都市》发表了一篇文章,攻击这项研究,称这项研究是不可信的,明显的性别歧视。 [00:44.70]It reported that the study was, "carried out by scientists who could have been spending their time doing something useful". 还报道称,这项研究由科学家进行,这些科学家本应该花时间去做有用的事情。 [00:53.41]It added the study reinforced sexist stereotypes of women being over-emotional. 它还说,这项研究强化了性别歧视者的陈词滥调,他们认为女性过于情绪化。 [01:00.41]Psychotherapist Sally Brown, a spokeswoman for Healthspan, said: " 心理疗法医师莎莉.布朗,作为Healthspan公司的发言人称, [01:06.24]Moods are a barometer of our overall well being. 情绪是我们整个健康状况的晴雨表。 [01:09.83]The research shows both men and women are susceptible to being in a bad mood from time to time." 研究表明,男性和女性都容易时不时心情不好。 [01:16.72]She added that: "Women crave 'me time' and men tend to rely on their partners to help lift them out of their moods." 她还说,女性渴望自我时间,而男性一般依靠他们的伙伴来帮他们走出坏心情。 [01:26.00]Ms Brown commented on causes for women becoming moody, 布朗女士对女性容易情绪化的原因做了评论, [01:30.88]saying: "Everyday challenges from bad traffic to failing technology can tip women into a bad mood." 说,每天的挑战来自于交通堵塞,或者技术失败,这些可能会让女性心情变坏。 [01:38.94]Other bad-mood triggers the survey highlighted include feeling fat, worrying about money, 研究重点强调的其他引发坏心情的因素包括感觉肥胖,为钱发愁, [01:46.66]breaking a nail, fearing their partners were 'not listening' and bad weather. 指甲断掉,害怕他们的伙伴没有倾听,以及坏天气等。