[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.00]Doctors in Germany have warned people that headbanging could be bad for your health. 德国医生早已警告人们,headbanging会损害身体健康。 [00:10.92]Headbanging is a dance done by fans of heavy metal music. headbanging是重金属音乐迷所跳的一种舞蹈。 [00:15.27]Dancers shake their heads backwards and forwards, and from side to side, very quickly. 跳舞者非常快速地前后左右摇摆头部。 [00:20.94]Doctors say that it is possible the dance can lead to brain injury. 医生说,这种舞蹈可能会损伤大脑。 [00:26.56]German doctors recently treated a 50-year-old fan of the heavy metal band Motorhead. 德国医生说,他最近治疗了一名50岁的重金属音乐队表演的粉丝。 [00:33.30]His headbanging led to brain damage. 他因为跳那种舞蹈而损害了大脑。 [00:36.54]Doctors said the man had no previous history of head injuries 医生说,那位男士之前没有脑损伤病史。 [00:40.75]but had been headbanging regularly for many years. 但是,他已经定期跳重金属音乐舞蹈很多年了。 [00:43.89]The doctors said the risk of damage to the brain from headbanging was still low 医生说,重金属音乐舞蹈造成脑损伤的危险还是比较低的, [00:50.59]and said heavy metal fans do not need to stop doing the dance. 重金属音乐粉丝没有停止这种舞蹈的必要。 [00:54.84]The man complained of bad headaches after going to a Motorhead concert. 一名男子在参加一场重金属音乐会演出之后,抱怨称自己感到头疼。 [01:00.16]He went to hospital for a brain scan. 他去医院做了脑部扫描。 [01:03.00]Doctors found he had bleeding inside his brain. 医生发现他的脑部有出血。 [01:07.01]He needed an operation to repair the damage from the headbanging. 他需要通过手术来修复重金属音乐造成的脑损伤。 [01:11.51]Doctors drilled a hole in his brain to release some blood. 医生在他的脑部挖洞,释放了一些血液。 [01:16.23]Two months after the operation his headaches disappeared. 手术2个月之后,他的头疼症状消失了。 [01:20.64]The head doctor Ariyan Pirayesh said: " 脑科医生Ariyan Pirayesh说, [01:24.75]We are not against headbanging. 我们并不反对重金属音乐。 [01:27.18]The risk of injury is very, very low. 受伤的风险还是很低的。 [01:30.43]I think if our patient had gone to a classical concert, 我认为,如果我们的病人去看古典音乐会, [01:33.87]this would not have happened." 那就不会发生这种情况。 [01:35.80]He had good news for heavy metal fans and said 他为重金属音乐迷带来的好消息,说, [01:39.55]they should carry on enjoying dancing, saying: 他们应该继续享受舞蹈, [01:42.94]"Rock 'n' roll will never die. 摇滚音乐永垂不朽。 [01:45.68]Heavy metal fans should rock on." 重金属音乐迷应该继续摇摆。