[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.00]This is AP News Minute. 这里是美联社新闻一分钟。 [00:03.61]Excitement and apprehension in Scotland Thursday as voters cast their ballots in the divisive and potentially historic referendum on independence from England. 周四,当苏格兰人参加分裂的、具有历史意义的公投,决定英格兰是否从英国独立的时候,兴奋与恐惧并存。 [00:12.71]The result is expected on Friday morning. 结果预计在周五早晨公布。 [00:14.99]Ukraine's president Petro Poroshenko after a joint meeting with congress for lethal US military assistance to help win the war against Russian-back separatists. 乌克兰总统佩特罗.波罗申科随后参加国会联合会议,讨论借助具有杀伤力的美国军队的帮助来打败俄罗斯支持的分裂分子。 [00:25.21]Today the US has provided about 16 million dollars in non-legal aids. 至今为止美国已经提供了1600万美元的非法律援助。 [00:29.83]The Islamic state group has released a video showing a British photo journalist John Kently, who says he is a prisoner of war. 伊斯兰国家组织在网上公布了一则视频,展示的是英国记者约翰.肯特利的一张照片。组织称说他是一名战犯。 [00:37.16]His name has not been mentioned among foreign hostages held by the group. 他的姓名还未被伊斯兰国家组织在外国人质当中提及。 [00:40.62]And hundreds law enforcement officers lined the street outside the grand Pennsylvania church, 数百名执法官员在宾夕法尼亚大教堂外面的街道上列队站立, [00:47.38]as slain trooper Bryan Dickson was laid to rest. 因为今天是被杀害的警员-布莱恩.迪克逊的葬礼。 [00:50.34]Dickson was killed in an ambush his barrack last week. 迪克逊在上周被他宿舍附近的伏兵杀害。 [00:53.76]The suspect is still at large. 嫌犯仍在逍遥法外。