[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.00]This is AP News Minute. 这里是美联社新闻一分钟。 [00:02.69]It's decision day in Scotland. 今天是决定苏格兰命运的时刻。 [00:04.90]Scots heading to the polls deciding whether they should separate from England, leave the United Kingdom and become an independent state. 苏格兰人去参加公投,决定苏格兰是否从英国独立,离开英国,成为独立的国家。 [00:12.13]Australian authorities sustained 14 people for suspecting in a major terror plot. 澳大利亚官方拘捕了14人,因他们有密谋巨大恐怖案的嫌疑。 [00:16.92]Police say the suspects support the Islamic State group in Iraq and Syria and hope to behead a random person on Australian soil. 警方称,嫌疑人为伊拉克和叙利亚境内的伊斯兰国家组织工作,企图在澳大利亚境内砍杀闲逛的公民。 [00:24.92]New details are merging about the man suspected of shooting dead a state trooper in northeastern Pennsylvania. 新的细节逐渐融合在一起,说明那个男人有射杀宾夕法尼亚州东北部的一位州警察的嫌疑。 [00:30.84]Authorities say fugitive suspected Eric Frein is a self-talked survivalist 官方称,潜逃嫌犯埃里克.福林是一位不言自明的亡命徒。 [00:35.41]who belongs to a military reenactment club. 他们属于军事重演俱乐部。 [00:38.35]And football player Jonathan Dwyer, the Arizona Cardinal was arrested in charge with aggravating assaults in connection with two fights in his home in Ohio. 足球运动员乔纳森.德怀尔,是亚利桑那州的红衣主教,他目前已被拘捕,因受到指控,罪名是激化在俄亥俄州他的家中的两次冲突的攻击。