[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.00]This is AP News Minute. 这里是美联社新闻一分钟。 [00:04.56]The 13th anniversary of 9/11 was marked in New York at the White House, Pentagon, and a field in Pennsylvinia. 911事件的第13个周年纪念日在纽约举行,地点包括白宫,五角大楼以及宾夕法尼亚州的一块土地。 [00:10.38]President Barack Obama said today "America stands tall and America stands proud." 奥巴马总统说,今天的美国很高大骄傲地屹立在世界之林。 [00:15.88]Republicans and Democrats in Congress are voicing strong support for the president's call for new authority to fight Islamic State militants. 国会的共和党与民主党发言,强烈支持总统号召新的权威力量来共同对抗伊斯兰国家武装势力。 [00:23.62]That includes House Republicans who appear to be ready to support the president's request if somehow grudgingly. 其中,众议院共和党人看上去已经做好了支持总统要求的准备,但还是有点不情愿。 [00:28.99]A South Carolina man accused of killing his 5 children and dumping their bodies in Alabama was an ex-convict who went on a crime spree in Illinois. 南卡罗来纳州的一名男子因杀害自己5个孩子,并将孩子的尸体扔到阿拉巴马州,而受到控告,这名男子有前科,并在伊利诺伊州继续作案。 [00:37.09]Timothy Jones was arrested on a cocaine possession charge in 2001, 蒂莫西.琼斯在2001年因藏有可卡因被拘捕。 [00:40.91]later that a year for a crime spree that included stealing a car, burglary and passing forged checks. 后来,继续作案,犯罪行为包括偷车,抢劫,使用假支票等。 [00:46.16]He served 7 years in prison. 他在监狱服刑7年。 [00:48.24]And Bai Yun the giant panda chews bamboo 12 hours a day. 大熊猫白云在一天中的12个小时都在吃竹子。 [00:52.24]But she chipped a tooth. 但是她的牙齿掉了一块。 [00:53.74]So dentists at the San Diego zoo repaired the tooth and also gave her a cleaning and x-rays. 所以圣地亚哥动物园的牙医正在给熊猫补牙,还给熊猫洗牙,并做了X光检查。