[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.00]This is AP News Minute. 这里是美联社新闻一分钟。 [00:03.78]President Barack Obama will take to the airways Wednesday night in a prime time address to the nation. 巴拉克.奥巴马总统将在周三晚上通过广播频道发表全国演说。 [00:08.77]Aides say he will outline specific details what steps the US will take to defeat the Islamic State group which has overrun parts of the northern Iraq and Syria. 奥巴马的助手说,奥巴马将概括一些具体细节,关于美国将为击败伊斯兰国家组织所采取的措施,伊斯兰国家组织在伊拉克和叙利亚北部地区很猖獗。 [00:17.60]The plan is expected to call for arming Syrian opposition forces and potentially launching airstrikes in both countries. 计划是为了号召武装叙利亚反对派力量,美国很可能会在两个国家发起空袭。 [00:24.14]Meanwhile, Secretary of State, John Kerry made a surprise visit to Baghdad to meet with Iraq's new leaders. 与此同时,国务卿约翰.克里突然访问巴格达,会见伊拉克新领导人。 [00:30.11]In a news conference there, Kerry said neither the US nor the world will stand by and watch the militant groups spread its evil. 在那里的一个新闻发布会上,克里说,美国和世界都不会眼睁睁看着武装组织不断扩大它的邪恶势力。 [00:36.77]A South Carolina man confessed Wednesday to killing his five children, ages one to eight, then dumping their bodies wrapped in trash bags in a secluded clearing along a rural road in Alabama. 南卡罗来纳州的一名男子在周三认罪,他杀害了自己的五个孩子,孩子年龄在1到8岁,然后将孩子的尸体装在垃圾袋中,扔在了阿拉巴马州乡村小路的一块隐蔽的空地上。 [00:47.58]Authorities say 32-year-old Timothy Ray Jones Jr. will be charged with 5 counts of murder. 官方称,32岁的蒂莫西.雷.琼斯将会以5项谋杀罪名被起诉。 [00:53.03]They are not yet sure of the motive. 他们还不清楚他的杀人动机。 [00:55.21]And morning show anchors in Knoxville, Tennessee, got an early Halloween Scare Wednesday, when a flying bat made a surprise live appearance onset. 诺克斯维尔与田纳西的早间节目在周三的万圣节前夕早早就受到了惊吓,因为一只蝙蝠突然在直播的时候出现。