[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.23]The range of currencies included in the SDRs would have to be widened 特别提款权中涵盖的货币范围也必须扩大, [00:06.33]and some of the newly added currencies, which would include the renminbi, may not be fully convertible. 包括人民币在内的一些新增的货币可能不能完全自由兑换。 [00:14.20]Therefore the dollar could still reestablish itself as the preferred reserve currency, provided it is prudently managed. 因此,如果美元是被审慎监管的,它就仍可能被重塑成首选的储备货币。 [00:27.32]One of the great advantages of SDRs is that they allow the international creation of money. 特别提款权所具有的重大优势之一是:它允许货币的国际性创造。 [00:35.00]That would be particularly useful at times like the present. 这在当前的背景下尤其有用。 [00:40.05]The money could be directed to it is most needed. 货币就可以流向最需要它的地方。 [00:44.53]That would be a great improvement over what is happening currently. 这将是对目前状况一个很大的改善。 [00:50.59]A mechanism which allows rich countries that don't need additional reserves to transfer their allocations to those who need them is readily available, and has already been used on a small scale. 目前已经形成了这样一种在小规模范围内正在应用的机制,即如果富国不需要额外储备,就可以将它们的份额让给需要的国家了。 [01:08.08]The reorganization of the prevailing world order may have to extend beyond the financial system if we are to make progress in resolving issues like global warming and nuclear proliferation. 如果我们想在解决诸如全球变暖和核扩散等问题上取得进展,那么对于当前的世界秩序重组问题可能就会超出金融体系的范畴。 [01:28.19]It may have to involve the United Nations, especially membership of the Security Council. 这可能得有联合国,特别是安理会成员国的参与。 [01:38.40]The profound process needs to be initiated by the United States, 这个过程需要由美国发起, [01:45.54]but China and other developing countries ought to participate in it as equals. 但中国和其他发展中国家也应该平等参与。 [01:52.24]They are reluctant members of the Bretton Woods institutions 它们是布雷顿森林体系机构中的非积极成员, [01:56.53]which are dominated by countries that are no longer dominant. 而该机构被一些已经风采不再的国家所主导。 [02:01.53]The rising powers need to be present at the creation of the new order 新兴国家需要参与构建新秩序, [02:07.16]to ensile that they will be active supporters of it. 以确保它们成为积极支持者。