[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:09.13] Do you mind if I use your car tonight? 你介意我今晚用你的车吗? [00:13.00] Paul. May I ask you a favor? 保罗,你能帮我个忙吗? [00:16.20] Sure. How can I help you? 当然可以,我能为你做什么? [00:19.00] Can I borrow your suit tonight? 今晚我能借你的西装吗? [00:21.00] Certainly. What happened to yours? 当然可以。你的(西装)怎么了? [00:24.00] Oh, mine is too dirty. Then one more thing. Do you mind if I use your car tonight? 哦,我的太脏了。还有一件事,你介意我今晚用你的车吗? [00:30.00] A car? Where are you going tonight? 车?今晚你要去哪里? [00:33.50] I am going to a dance party with Ann. 我要和安去舞会。 [00:37.00] With Ann? I thought you guys broke up. 和安?我以为你们分手了。