[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.28]She paused, and saw with no slight indignation that he was listening with an air which proved him wholly unmoved by any feeling of remorse. 她说到这里,只见他完全没有一点儿悔恨的意思,真使她气得非同小可。 [00:09.08]He even looked at her with a smile of affected incredulity. 他甚至还假装出一副不相信的神气在微笑。 [00:13.30]"Can you deny that you have done it?" she repeated. “你能否认你这样做过吗?”她又问了一遍。 [00:16.56]With assumed tranquillity he then replied, "I have no wish of denying that I did every thing in my power to separate my friend from your sister, 他故作镇静地回答道:“我不想否认。我的确用心了一切办法,拆散了我朋友和你姐姐的一段姻缘; [00:26.15]or that I rejoice in my success. Towards him I have been kinder than towards myself." 我也不否认,我对自己那一次的成绩觉得很得意。我对他总算比对我自己多尽了一份力。” [00:33.39]Elizabethdisdained the appearance of noticing this civil reflection, but its meaning did not escape, nor was it likely to conciliate, her. 伊丽莎白听了他这篇文雅的调整词令,表面上并不愿意显出很注意的样子。这番话的用意她当然明白,可是再也平息不了她的气愤。 [00:42.00]"But it is not merely this affair," she continued, "on which my dislike is founded. Long before it had taken place, my opinion of you was decided. “不过,我还不止在这一件事情上面厌恶你,”她继续说道,“我很早就厌恶你, [00:50.21]Your character was unfolded in the recital which I received many months ago from Mr. Wickham. On this subject, what can you have to say? 对你有了成见。几个月以前听了韦翰先生说的那些话,我就明白了你的品格。这件事你还有什么可说的? [00:58.22]In what imaginary act of friendship can you here defend yourself? or under what misrepresentation, can you here impose upon others?" 看你再怎样来替你自己辩护,把这件事也异想天开地说是为了维护朋友?你又将怎么样来颠倒是非,欺世盗名?”