[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:08.73] I am watching my weight. 我在注意体重。 [00:11.00] Tanks for inviting me for dinner. 感谢你邀请我吃晚餐。 [00:14.00] Oh, it's my pleasure. Would you like a drink? 哦,那是我的荣幸。你想要来点喝的吗? [00:17.20] Tanks. I'd like to have some chocolate milk. 多谢,我想要喝一些巧克力牛奶。 [00:21.00] Would you care for some dessert? 你想来点甜点吗? [00:23.00] Do you have any sweets? 你有糖果吗? [00:25.00] Of course. There are a lot of cookies. I made them by myself. Help yourself. 当然。那儿有很多曲奇饼干。我自己做的。随便吃。 [00:30.20] Oh, these are wonderful. But my doctor says I should watch my weight and only eat a few cookies. 哦,这些是很美味。但是我的医生说我应该注意我的体重,只能吃一点儿饼干。 [00:36.80] Don't worry. You look OK. 别担心,你看起来还行(不胖)。