[by:可可英语网~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00:51]1. I am sorry, but could you please speak a little slower? 抱歉,你能说得稍微慢点儿吗? [00:06:19]2. Excuse me, could you slow down a little? 劳驾,你能不能说话慢一点儿? [00:11:52]3. Pardon? Would you speak a little faster? 抱歉,你能说得快一点儿吗? [00:16:31]4. Excuse me, but could you speak in a slower pace? 抱歉,您能说得慢点儿吗? [00:22:18]5. Excuse me, I can't follow you;could you speak more slowly? 劳驾,我没听明白。你能说得慢一些吗? [00:27:16]6. Yes, I am sorry for speaking too fast. 好的,很抱歉,我讲话太快了。 [00:32:16]7. I will try my best to slow down. 我会尽量说慢点儿。 [00:37:22]8. Sorry, I am used to speaking in a slow pace, but I will try to be faster. 抱歉,我习惯说话的慢节奏了,不过我会试着说快点。 [00:43:22]9. That is the proper speed of speaking, neither too fast nor too slow. 这样说话挺好的,不快不慢。 [00:50:08]10. Your way of articulating is too slow. 你的讲话速度太慢了。 [00:54:33]Dialogue 1 对话 1 [00:55:55]Hello, is that Mr. Li? 你好,是李先生吗? [01:00:46]Yes,speaking. What can I do for you? 是的,我是。有什么事吗? [01:03:18]I am calling to check your information before the interview. What position did you apply? 我想在面试前核实一下你的信息。你申请的是什么职位? [01:08:14]I am applying for the waiter in your pub. 我申请的是你们酒吧的服务生。 [01:13:15]Excuse me. Could you slow down a little? I couldn't catch you. 劳驾,你能不能说话慢点儿?我听不明白你在说什么。 [01:18:14]Sure. I will try my best to slow down. 当然,我会尽量说慢点。 [01:22:20]Dialogue 2 对话 2 [01:24:31]Hi, this is China Southern Airlines. Is that Miss. Ye? 你好,这里是南方航空公司。你是叶小姐吗? [01:29:32]Yes, speaking. What can 1 do for you? 是的,我是。有什么事吗? [01:32:58]I am responsible for verifying your information before you come for the interview. What, uh, position do you want...uh...to do? 我负责在你来面试前核实你的信息。你……嗯……想做…… 嗯……什么工作? [01:43:48]Pardon? Your way of articulating is too slow. Would you speak a little faster? 抱歉,你的讲话速度太慢。你介意说得快一点儿吗? [01:53:20]Sorry, I am used to speaking in a slow pace, but I will try to be faster. What position do you want to do? 抱歉,我习惯说话儿慢的节奏了,不过我会试着说快点儿。你想做什么工作? [02:00:54]I have been yearning for a job as a stewardess in an airline like yours. 我一直渴望做一名空姐,在贵单位这样的公司工作。