[by:可可英语网~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00:50]1.What do I need to take with me? 我需要携带什么吗? [00:05:47]2.What documents do I need to carry? 我需要带什么材料? [00:09:55]3.Is there anything I need to take? 我要带什么资料去面试吗? [00:14:25]4.Anything that I should prepare for the interview? 我应该为面试准备些什么? [00:17:40]5.I am calling to tell you the items you are supposed to bring for the interview the day after tomorrow. 我打电话是想通知你后天来面试时需要带来的东西。 [00:26:36]6.The materials you need to bring are the ID card including a duplicate and the original,the academic transcript in college. 你需要带的材料有身份证原件及复印件、大学成绩单。 [00:35:52]7.And you need to have bachelorship certificate and your CV when you come. 你来时需携带学士学位证和个人简历。 [00:42:09]8.You'd better bring the diploma, identification card and several copies of your resume. 你最好带上毕业证、身份证和几份简历复印件。 [00:49:33]9.You can bring life photos, recommendation letters and certificates. 你需要带上生活照、推荐信和各类资格证明书。 [00:56:09]10.You are supposed to bring your entire proficiency certificate such as computer certificate, TOFEL or GRE certificate. 你应该带上所有的资格证书,如计算机证书、托福或GRE证书等。 [01:05:18]Dialogue 1 对话 1 [01:06:31]Hi, this is Huipu Corp. Is that Miss Zhang? 你好,这里是惠普公司。你是张小姐吗? [01:12:19]Yes. speaking. Is there anything I can do for you? 我是。有什么事吗? [01:16:39]I am calling to tell you the items you are supposed to bring for the interview the day after tomorrow. 我打电话是想通知你后天来面试时需要带来的东西。 [01:23:01]What do I need to take with me? 我需要携带什么材料? [01:26:00]You'd better bring the diploma, identification card and several copies of your resume. 最好带上毕业证、身份证和几份简历复印件。 [01:32:27]Dialogue 2 对话 2 [01:33:50]Hi, is that Jason? 你好,是杰森吗? [01:36:57]Yes. What can I do for you? 是的,有什么事? [01:39:27]I am calling to let you know that you are expected to come for an interview in our branch. 我打电话是想通知你来我们公司参加面试。 [01:44:57]That's cool. What docunients do I need to carry? 太好了。我需要带什么材料吗? [01:48:31]You can bring life photos, recommendation letters and certificates. 你需要带上生活照、推荐信和各类资格证明书。