[by:可可英语网~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00:03]1. Where is your company? 你们公司地点在哪里? [00:03:16]2. Where is the interview happening? 面试在哪里进行? [00:07:56]3. Could you please tell me the address? 你能告诉我地址在哪里吗? [00:11:17]4. What is the site of your hotel? 请问贵酒店地址是哪里? [00:17:07]5. Is your company in Lianxin Street? 贵公司位于连心街吗? [00:20:46]6. It is on the Jianshe Street where there is a Carrefour Supermarket near it. 在建设大街上,家乐福超市附近。 [00:27:45]7. It is No. 50 in the Fifth Avenue where there is a fairground and a museum. 地址是第五大街50号,附近有露天市场和博物馆。 [00:33:43]8. Our Inn is located in No. 66 in Huayuan Street where there is a flea market for furniture. 我们酒店在花园街66号,附近有一个家具跳蚤市场。 [00:44:38]9. It is No. 20 in the Maizijie Street in the urban areas where the opposite is a newly built petrol station. 地址是区麦子街20号,对面是一个新建的加油站。 [00:53:13]10. It is No. 15 in the Sanxian Street in the suburban sprawl of standardized buildings. 我公司位于三贤路15号,地属城郊标准化建筑扩张区。 [01:01:37]Dialogue 1 对话 1 [01:02:44]Hi, this is ABC Company. Is that Joseph? 你好,这里是ABC公司,请问你是约瑟夫吗? [01:09:49]Yes,speaking. Anything I can do for you? 是的,我是。有什么事吗? [01:12:28]I am calling to tell you that the interview for you is in our company on Monday moming at 8:00. 我想通知你到我们公司面试,时间是周一上午8点。 [01:17:33]Where is the interview happening? 地点在哪? [01:21:36]It is on the Jianshe Street where there is a Carrefour Supermarket near it. 在建设大街上,家乐福超市附近。 [01:26:55]Dialogue 2 对话 2 [01:27:37]Hi, is that Li Ling? 你好,是李玲吗? [01:31:36]Yes. What can I do for you? 我是。你有什么事吗? [01:34:26]I am glad to inform you that you are expected to come for an interview in our head office tomorrow. 我很高兴地通知你明天来我们总部面试。 [01:40:46]Could you please tell me the address? 你能告诉我地址在哪里吗? [01:44:01]Yes, sure. It is No. 50 in the Fifth Avenue where there is a fairground and a museum. 当然可以。地址是第五大街50号,附近有露天广场和博物馆。