[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:01:39]What did you think of Beckett? 你觉得贝克特怎么样 [00:04:39]I don't think anything yet. 我还没什么想法 [00:07:38]You'll like him. He's smart. 你会喜欢他的 他很聪明 [00:10:54]Did you talk to Hanna? 你和汉娜谈了吗 [00:12:07]Yeah, she's with her dad. 谈了 她和她爸在一起 [00:16:47]What's gonna happen to her mom? 她妈妈会怎么样 [00:19:46]They'll move her to the state facility tomorrow, 他们明天会把她移送到联邦监狱 [00:21:51]which is excessive 这很过分 [00:22:58]and interferes with my ability to mount a defense. 而且会干扰我进行辩护的能力 [00:26:19]And I'll keep after Judge Reilly until she agrees to bail. 我会一再要求保释 直到莱丽法官同意 [00:30:10]Meanwhile, she stays in a cell? 这期间 她得待在牢房里吗 [00:32:50]Yeah. 对 [00:39:03]Oh, I should have warned Beckett about you. 我该警告贝克特留心你的 [00:44:58]Do you know what's in there? 你知道里面是什么吗 [00:45:52]They're trying to choke us with Wilden material. 他们想用威尔登的材料妨碍我们辩护 [00:48:33]Most of it is useless. 大多都没用 [00:49:35]That is not useless. 那不是没用的 [00:50:33]That is about Wilden and Radley and Toby's mom. 那与威尔登 拉德利和托比的妈妈有关