[00:00:49]Conversation one 对话一 [00:02:21]Hello, Parkson College. May I help you? 你好,帕克森大学。有什么事需要帮忙吗? [00:07:27]Yes. I'm looking for information on courses in computer programming. I would need it for the fall semester. 是的。我想咨询有关计算机程序设计课程的信息。我想在秋季学期上课。 [00:15:25]Do you want a day or evening course? 白天上课还是晚上上课? [00:19:56]Well, it would have to be an evening course since I work during the day. 晚上上课,因为我白天有工作。 [00:24:58]Aha. Have you taken any courses in data processing?. 你学过关于数据处理的课程吗? [00:28:50]No 没有。 [00:30:42]Oh! Well, data processing is a course you have to take before you can take computer programming. 好的,在学习计算机编程之前必须学习数据处理。 [00:39:12]Oh, I see. Well, when is it given? I hope it is not on Thursdays. 我明白了。数据处理什么时候上课?我希望不是周四。 [00:46:54]Well, there's a class that meets on Monday evenings at 7. 有一个班在周一晚上7点有课。 [00:52:20]Just once a week? 一周仅上一次? [00:53:39]Yes. But that's almost 3 hours from 7 to 9:45. 是的。从7点到9点45分,差不多3个小时。 [01:00:17]Oh! Well, that's alright. I could manage that. How many weeks does the course last? 没关系,我可以做到。一共几周的课程? [01:07:47]Mm, let me see. 12 weeks. You start the first week in September, and finish, oh, just before Christmas. December 21st. 让我看看。12周。你从九月第一周开始直到圣诞节前夕12月21日结课。 [01:20:59]And how much is the course? That's 300 dollars including the necessary computer time. 这门课程多少钱?300美元,包括必要的上机时间。 [01:30:16]Ahhum. Okay, Eh, where do I go to register? 好的,我到哪里去登记? [01:34:32]Registration is on the second and third of September between 6 and 9 in Frost Hall. 9月2日、3日6 点至 9点在弗罗斯特大厅登记。 [01:42:26]Is that the round building behind the parking lot? 是停车场后面的圆形大楼吗? [01:45:24]Yes, that's the one. 是的,就是那儿。 [01:47:01]Oh, I know how to get there. Is there anything that I should bring with me? 我知道怎么到那儿去。我要带什么东西吗? [01:52:47]No, just your checkbook. 不用,带着支票簿就行。 [01:55:56]Well, thank you very much. 太谢谢了。 [01:57:29]You're very welcome. Bye! 不客气,再见! [02:00:00]Bye! 再见! [02:02:09]Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you've just heard: 基于你听到的回答问题19至22。 [02:09:19]Question 19: Why does the man choose to take an evening course? 问题19: 为什么男士选择晚间上课? [02:14:51]Question 20: What does the man have to do before taking the course of computer programming? 问题20: 男士在上计算机编程课之前要做什么? [02:37:07]Question 21: What do we learn about the schedule of the evening course? 问题21: 我们对晚间课程的安排有什么了解? [02:58:49]Question 22: What does the man want to know at the end of the conversation? 问题22: 在谈话的最后男士想了解什么信息?