[by:可可英语网~www.utensil-race.com] [00:05.09]Chapter7: Helping The Police 第七课:帮助警察 [00:10.19]What can you see in the picture? 在这个图画里你能看到什么? [00:19.46]A thief is stealing some jewellery. 一个小偷在偷珠宝。 [00:27.92]Mr and Mrs Poon are sleeping. Poon先生和Poon夫人在睡觉。 [00:37.28]1 a thief 一个小偷 [00:46.55]2 steal 偷窍 [00:55.09]3 jewelly 珠宝 [01:02.85]4 a coat 一件外套 [01:11.39]5 a neighbour 一个邻居 [01:20.95]6 report a theft 报告偷窍案 [01:31.51]Earlier this morning a thief broke into Mr and Mrs Poon's flat. 今天很早的时候,一个小偷闯进Poon先生的家。 [01:39.68]What did the people see and hear? 人们听到或看到什么? [01:44.72]Act P.C. Lai and the people. 扮演Lai警员. [02:06.56]1 Did you hear anything Mr and Mrs Poon? Poon先生,Poon夫人你们听到什么吗? [02:20.12]Yes,we heard something. 有啊,我们听到一些声音。 [02:28.17]Did you see anyone? 你们有看到人吗? [02:35.14]Yes,we saw someone. 有,我们有看到一个人。 [02:43.60]2 Did you hear anything,Mr Kwok? Kwok先生,你有听到什么声音吗? [02:56.27]No,I Heard nothing. 没有,我什么也没有听到。 [03:04.53]Did you see anyone? 那你有看到人吗? [03:10.88]No,I saw no one. 没有,我没有看到人。 [03:24.43]Help P.C.Lai to finish his report.Put a tick or a cross. 帮Lai警员完成这份报告。打对或者是打错。 [03:38.31]P.C.Lai is reporting to his boss.Act P.C. Lai.Lai. 警员正向他的上司汇报情况。扮演Lai警员。 [03:55.86]Mr and Mrs Poon heard something. Poon先生和Poon太太听到声音。 [04:04.72]They saw someone. 他们见到有人。 [04:10.67]Mr Kwok heard nothing. Kwok先生什么也没听到。 [04:17.93]He saw no one. 他也没见到人。 [04:28.98]The police have photos of six thieves in their files. 警方的档案里有六个小偷的像。 [04:36.64]Write the names in the boxes. 将他们的名字写在空格里。 [04:41.68]Help the policemen to match the photos and the names. 帮警方配对像和名。 [05:05.24]Who's that man in the black coat? 穿黑色外套的那个人是谁啊? [05:13.18]It's Joe Chan. 他是Joe Chan。 [05:19.11]Who's that man with the earring? 戴耳环的是谁啊? [05:26.77]It's Billy Lee. 他是Billy Lee. [05:38.13]Jimmy Lau has weak eyes. Jimmy Lau近视。 [05:45.89]Joe Chan always wears black clothes. Joe Chan总是穿黑色的外套。 [05:55.24]Dennis Wong likes wearing jeans. Dennis Wong喜欢穿牛仔裤。 [06:03.78]Billy Lee wears an earring. Billy Lee戴耳环。 [06:11.62]Sammy Fong loves cats. Sammy Fong喜欢猫。 [06:18.98]Bob Ko has long hair. Bob Ko留长头发。 [06:27.03]Reading:Crimwatch 阅读:警讯 [06:37.19]Good evening,ladies and gentlemen. 各位晚上好。 [06:43.36]Welcome to 'Crimewatch'. 喜迎收看警讯。 [06:49.52]Tonight I'm going to tell you about three thefts on Sunday,19th January. 今晚我要跟大家说一下三桩在一月十九日星期一发生的偷窍案。 [07:04.88]I hope you can help us. 希望大家向警方提供线索。 [07:12.93]At 2 a.m.on 19th January,a thief broke into a flat in Tsim Sha Tsui. 一月十九日早上2点,一个小偷潜入尖沙咀的一个住宅单位。 [07:28.57]He stole some jewellery worth ninety thousand dollars. 他偷走了价值九万美元的珠宝。 [07:38.03]He escaped through the window and ran into Mody Road. 他从窗户逃走,跑进Mody街了。 [07:48.19]The thief had long hair and wore a long coat. 这个小偷留有长发和穿长的外套。 [07:58.54]At 3:10 a.m.the same day, 在同一天的早上三点十分。 [08:04.28]a thief stole a valuable painting from Ho's Art Shop in Tsim Sha Tsui. 一个小偷在尖沙咀的Ho美术店里偷走了一副名贵的油画。 [08:21.63]He broke the shop window and took away the painting. 他打破了橱窗,然后拿走了油画。 [08:32.37]The shopkeeper was sleeping in the shop at the time. 当时,店主正在店里睡觉。 [08:41.51]He heard the alarm and ran out of the shop immediately. 他听到警报声,立即跑出商店。 [08:52.24]He saw no one but he found a button on the ground. 他没有看到任何人,但是他在地上发现一个纽扣。 [09:04.21]Later in the morning, 稍后早上, [09:07.87]someone broke into the Golden Ball Jewellery Company in Tsim Sha Tsui. 有人闯入尖沙咀的Golden Ball珠宝公司。 [09:21.03]The thief made a hole in the wall from the shop next door. 这个小偷在珠宝店的墙上打了一个洞进来。 [09:31.79]Then he opened the safe and stole and jewellery worth a million dollars. 然后,他打开保险箱偷走了价值一百万美元的珠宝。 [09:47.86]The watchman heard a bang and saw someone in a long coat. 看守人听到响声然后看到一个穿长外套的人。 [10:00.22]He called the police at 4:30 a.m. 他在早上四点三十分报的警。 [10:10.80]The police found some blood on the safe. 警察在保险箱上发现一些血迹。 [10:19.76]The police believe that the same thief committed all three thefts. 警方认为这三桩案子是同一个人做的。 [10:32.19]Were you near Mody Road, 在一月十九日,你有没经过尖沙咀的Mody街, [10:36.34]the art shop or the jewellery shop in Tsim Sha Tsui on 19th January? 美术店或是那间珠宝公司的案发现场? [10:51.99]Did you hear anything or see anything? 你有没有看到或听到什么? [11:00.35]Please call us on 78888888. 请打78888888给我们。 [11:14.72]Answer the questions about the story. 回答这个故事的问题。 [11:25.37]1 What did the thief from the flat? 那个住宅单元里的小偷偷了什么? [11:36.74]2 How did the thief escape? 那个小偷是怎样逃走的? [11:47.00]3 What did the thief look like? 那个小偷外貌怎样? [11:57.56]4 Why did the shopkeeper of the art shop wake up? 那个美术店的店主为什么醒? [12:10.02]5 What did the shopkeeper find? 那个店主发现了什么? [12:20.47]6 How did the thief beak into the jewellery shop? 那个小偷是怎样进到珠宝店的? [12:31.33]7 What did the thief open in the jewellery shop? 小偷在珠宝店里打开了什么? [12:43.40]8 When did the watchman call the police? 看守人在什么时候报的警? [12:54.58]P.C.Lai is checking the watchman's statement. Lai警员正看看守人的口供。 [13:01.53]Read the statement.Act P.C.Lai and the watchman. 读这份口供。扮演Lee警员. [13:18.30]HONG DONG POLICE FORCE Witness Statement 香港警察 证人口供 [13:28.46]Date:19th January 日期:一月十九日 [13:36.51]Time:8 a.m. 时间:早上8点 [13:44.76]I heard a bang at 4:25a.m. 凌晨四点二十五分,我听到有一声响声。 [13:55.11]I saw someone in a long coat. 我见到一个穿长外套的人。 [14:02.47]I ran into the jewellery shop. 我走入那间珠宝店。 [14:09.53]I saw some blood on the safe. 我看见有些血迹在保险箱上。 [14:17.10]Signed, Paul Lee(Watchman, Golden Ball Centre) 签字,Paul Lee。 Golden Ball中心,看守人。 [14:31.55]The police caught four men on the day of the thefts. 警方在案发当日抓了四个男人。 [14:37.01]Inspector Pang is asking P.C.Lai about them.Act the policemen. Pang督察正在问有关他们的事,扮演他们。 [15:00.96]Who's the man in the black cap? 戴黑色帽子的是谁? [15:08.62]It's Tim Chan. 他的Tim Chan。 [15:19.77]Who do you think is the thief? 你认为哪个是小偷?