[by:可可英语网~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.77]Chapter9: Neighbours 第九课:邻居 [00:09.09]A These people are neighbours. A 这些人是邻居, [00:14.08]They live in the same building.What are they doing? 他们住在同一幢大厦里面,他们在做些什么? [00:29.94]Mrs Lee is giving her neighbour a lift. 李太太载她的邻居一程。 [00:38.79]Jane is lending her neighbour some salt. Jane 借东西给她的邻居 [00:47.86]1 give a neighbour a lift 载邻居一程 [00:57.70]2 lend a neighbour something 借东西给邻居 [01:08.15]3 collect a neighbour's post 帮邻居拿信 [01:18.50]4 throw litter 扔垃圾 [01:27.14]5 play music loudly 大声放音乐 [01:37.78]6. put his belongings in the corridor 将私人物品放在走廓 [01:49.71]B Reading B 阅读 [01:56.69]1 Last month Lily moved to a new estate. 上个月 Lily 搬到新的屋村。 [02:10.74]She came back to the village to see her father. 她回到乡村看她的爸爸。 [02:19.21]She wanted to talk to him about her new neighbours. 她想跟他说说关于新邻居的事情。 [02:29.86]I'm not very happy in my new home,Father. 爸爸,我在新屋住得不是很开心。 [02:39.29]My neighbours are rude and unhelpful. 我的邻居又没礼貌又不肯帮助别人。 [02:47.84]Why don't they like me? 为什么他们不喜欢我呀? [02:53.77]Let me tell you a story. 让我说一个故事给你听吧。 [03:01.21]One day I was mending my bicycle beside a road when a man stoped his car. 有一天,我在路旁修我的自行车,有一个人停下他的车子. [03:25.56]Hey you!Come here. 嘿!你,过来。 [03:32.72]I'm thinking of moving to this village. 我想搬到这个村子里来。 [03:40.47]What are the people like in this neighbourhood? 这里的邻居怎么样的? [03:48.13]Well...what are the people like in your neighbourhood now? 嗯...那你现在的邻居呢? [03:59.46]The man complained about his neihbours. 这个男人投诉他的邻居。 [04:11.12]I don't get on with my neighbours because they're rude. 我跟我的邻居相处得不是很好,因为他们很没礼貌. [04:23.37]They never say hello. 他们从来都有不会和别人打招呼。 [04:30.94]They throw litter out of their windows and they make a lot of noise. 他们把垃圾从窗扔出去,又很吵。 [04:42.59]They never offer to help me when I need it. 当我有需要的时候,他们从来不帮助我。 [04:52.55]They're untidy and unkind. 他们又不整齐又不友好。 [05:01.30]Well...I don't think you'll like the people in this neighbourhood either. 嗯...我想你也不会喜欢这里的人。 [05:14.96]What do you think of the man and his neighbours? 你觉得这个男人和他的邻居怎么样? [05:24.39]A few days later I was going home with some boxes 几天后,当我搬着几个箱回家时, [05:33.17]when another man stopped his car. 另一个男人又停下他的车。 [05:47.22]Excuse me,sir.Do you need some help? 不好意思,先生。请问需要我的帮助吗? [05:57.88]Would you like a lift? 要我载你一程吗? [06:04.33]Yes,please.That's very kind of you. 好的。你真好。 [06:15.07]I got in the man's car.We had a chat on the way home. 我坐进这个男人的车里,在回家的路上我们聊天. [06:33.72]I'm thinking of moving to this village. 我想搬进这里来。 [06:42.08]Can you tell me what the people are like in this neighbourhood? 你能告诉我这里的人怎么样吗? [06:49.44]Well...what are the people like in your neighbourhood now? 嗯...那你现在的邻居怎么样啊? [07:01.12]The second man praised his neighbours. 第二个男人称赞他的邻居。 [07:14.76]They're very nice. 他们很好。 [07:21.23]I like them because they're polite and helpful. 我很喜欢他们,因为他们很有礼貌又乐于助人. [07:30.80]They take care of my pet when I'm away. 我不在家时,他们会照顾我的宠物。 [07:38.84]We often lend each other things. 我们经常互相借东西。 [07:46.21]We often have dinner together. 我们经常一起吃晚餐。 [07:53.29]I think you'll like the people in this neighbourhood too. 我想你也会喜欢这里的邻居 [08:07.84]Thank you for telling me the story,Father. 爸爸,谢谢你告诉我这个故事。 [08:21.29]I know now that I must be nice to my neighbours. 现在我知道我要先对邻居好, [08:27.64]Then they'll be nice to me. 然后他们就会对我好。 [08:36.78]Yes,you should treat people the way you want them to treat you. 是啊,你怎样对别人,别人就怎样对你. [08:51.15]C Circle the best answers about the story. C 圈出有关这个故事的正确答案。 [09:03.61]In picture 2 the man was 图2的男人 [09:14.34](a) rude (a) 粗鲁 [09:20.80](b) polite (b)不礼貌 [09:27.17](c) kind (c) 友好的 [09:35.43]The first man was 第一个男人 [09:43.89](a) happy (a) 开心 [09:50.16](b) unhappy (b) 不开心 [09:57.81](c) worried about his neighbours. (c) 担心他的邻居。 [10:09.78]When the first man need help,his neighbours. 当第一个男人需要帮助时,他的邻居。 [10:23.05](a) threw litter out of their windows (a) 从他们的窗口扔垃圾 [10:32.01](b)made a lot of noise (b)制造很大的噪声 [10:40.78](c) did not offer to help him (c) 不提供帮助 [10:50.92]The second man helped the old man.He 第二个男人帮助这个老人,他 [11:04.97](a) lent the old man a car (a) 借部车给老人 [11:14.04](b) gave the old man a lift (b) 载老人一程 [11:21.30](c) took care of the old man's pets (c) 照顾老人的宠物 [11:33.05]Her father's story taught Lily how to Lily 的爸爸的故事教会她怎样 [11:45.52](a) get on with 和邻居和睦相处 [11:53.87](b) give lifts to 载邻居一程 [12:01.82](c) have dinner with her neighbours. 和邻居一起用餐 [12:12.97]Choose the best title for the story. 选出最恰当的故事名 [12:24.62](a) A bad neighbour (a) 坏邻居 [12:33.27](b) Good and bad neighbours (b) 好和坏的邻居 [12:43.12](c) A good neighbours (c) 好邻居 [12:52.15]Skills Read these sentences. 技巧训练读这些句子。 [13:02.39]The second man was happy. 第二个男人很开心。 [13:09.03]The first man was unhappy. 第一个男人不开心。 [13:18.38]The second man's neighbours were helpful. 第二个男人的邻居乐于助人。 [13:31.23]The first man's neighbours were unhelpful. 第一个男人的邻居不乐于助人。 [13:42.18]Match the sentences and the pictures. 配对句子和图画。 [13:50.93]1 Tim is untidy. 1 Tim 不整洁。 [14:00.18]2 Bobby is unkind. 2 Bobby 不友好。 [14:10.05]3 Paul is unfriendly. 3 Paul 不友善。 [14:20.32]D Peter and Tom are talking about their neighbours. D Peter 和 Tom 在谈论他们的邻居。 [14:27.45]Act the children. 扮演他们。 [14:37.79]I don't like my neighbours. 我喜欢我的邻居。 [14:46.13]Why don't you like your neighbours? 为什么你不喜欢他们? [14:54.17]I don't like my neighbours because they never say hello. 我不喜欢他们是因为他们从来都不打招呼。 [15:06.32]They play music loudly and put their belongings in the corridor. 他们把音乐开到很大声,又把私人物品摆在走廓. [15:21.29]I like my neighbours. 我喜欢我的邻居。 [15:31.84]Why do you like your neighbours? 为什么你喜欢你的邻居? [15:43.62]E The children are learning how to be good neighbours. E 小朋友们在学习怎样对待邻居。 [15:50.39]Act the children.Make sentences. 扮演他们。 [16:03.94]How do you and your family treat your neighbours,children? 小朋友,你们家里人怎样对待邻居的? [16:15.70]My mother cooks some food for our neighbour when he's sick. 当他们生病时,我妈妈做饭给他们吃。 [16:28.06]I always say hello to my neighbours when I meet them. 当我遇到邻居时,我一定和他们打招呼。 [16:46.60]How do YOU and family treat your neighbours? 你和你的家里人怎样对待邻居了? [16:56.16]Sing a song. 唱歌