[by:可可英语网~www.utensil-race.com] [00:04.49]Chapter7: At Home 第七课 在家里 [00:08.99]A Candy and her family are at home. A Candy 和她的家人在家里。 [00:15.65]Where are they?What are they doing? 他们在家里的什么地方?他们在做什么? [00:29.00]Grandpa is in the living room.He is reading a newspaper. 爷爷在客厅里。他在看报纸。 [00:40.23]Candy is in the bathroom.She is brushing her hair. Candy 在浴室里。她在梳头。 [00:50.70]1 a bedroom 卧室 [01:00.73]2 a kitchen 厨房 [01:10.01]3 a bathroom 浴室 [01:19.44]4 a living room 客厅 [01:29.21]B Beeno and Jojo are showing Tom their room. B Beeon 和JoJo带Tom去参观他们的房间。 [01:36.57]Act Beeno and Jojo. 扮演Beeno JoJo. [01:54.73]This is our room.My bed is yellow. 这是我们的房间。我的床是黄色的。 [02:06.80]My bed is pink. 我的床是粉红色的。 [02:13.36]Our curtains are yellow and pink. 我们的窗帘是黄色和粉红色的。 [02:23.10]Our rug is yellow and pink. 我们的小地垫是黄色和粉红色的。 [02:33.76]Tom is telling his mother about Beeno and Jojo's room.Act Tom. Tom 在形容Beeno和Jojo的房间给他妈妈听。扮演Tom. [03:01.42]Beeno and Jojo's room is very colourful. Beeno 和JOJO 房间是五颜六色的。 [03:12.47]Beeno's bed is yellow.His desk is yellow too. Beeno的床是黄色的。他的桌子是黄色的。 [03:26.34]Jojo's bed is pink.Her desk is pink too. Jojo的床是粉色的。她的桌子也是粉红色的。 [03:39.77]Their curtains are yellow and pink.Their.... 他们的窗帘是粉红色的。 [03:51.42]C Canedy and Sam have their own bedrooms. Candy 和Sam 都有自己的卧室。 [04:03.67]What is in bedrooms?Ask and answer questions. 他们的房间里有什么?问和答问题。 [04:11.22]Which bedroom do you like better? 你比较喜欢谁的房间? [04:34.68]1 How many shelves poes Sam have in his bedroom? 1 Sam的卧室里有多少个架子? [04:47.06]He has one shelf. 他有一个书架。 [04:53.90]How many shelves does Candy have in her bedroom? Candy 的卧室里有多少个架子? [05:03.65]She has four shelves. 她有4个书架。 [05:10.80]Who has more shelves?Candy has more shelves than Sam. 谁的书架比较多?Candy 的书架比Sam的多。 [05:25.77]2 How many windows does Sam have in his bedroom? 2 Sam 的卧室里有多少扇窗。 [05:38.94]He has two windows. 他有两扇窗。 [05:45.50]How many windows does Candy have in her bedroom? Candy 的卧室里有多少扇窗? [05:56.26]She has one window. 她有一扇窗。 [06:02.61]Who has more windows? Sam has more windows than Candy. 谁的窗比较多?Sam的窗子比Candy的多。 [06:17.16]D Reading:Charlie's new shelves D 阅读:Charlie的新书架。 [06:35.21]1 The Chows moved to a new flat last week. 周家上个星期搬去新家。 [06:48.06]Charlie and Cherry have their own rooms now 现在Charlie和Cherry都有了自己的新房间 [06:58.61]Look at my room,Charlie.Isn't it nice? Charlie,看看我的房间。它是不是很好? [07:09.58]Look!I have more shelves than you.I have more books too. 看!我的书架比你的多。我也有很多书。 [07:24.63]2 Charlie went back to his room. Charlie回到自己房里。 [07:35.26]He took all the books out of his school bag and put them on the shelves. 他把书包里的书全拿出来放在书架上。 [07:48.92]3 In the afternoon he saw some old books and magazines near a rubbish bin. 中午他在垃圾桶附近看到一些书和旧杂志。 [08:07.29]I can put those books and magazines on my shelves too. 我可以把这些书和杂志一起放到我的书架上去。 [08:21.52]4 Charlie put the old books and magazines on his shelves. Charlie把旧书和杂志放在书架上。 [08:37.69]He worked all day. 他在那里摆了一整天。 [08:45.35]What a lot of books,Charlie! Charlie,你有这么多书。 [08:53.50]Can you read all of them? 你看得完所有的书吗? [08:59.43]Of course I can! 当然可以了。 [09:05.10]5 Ha!Ha!Now I have more books than you. 哈哈!现在我的书比你的多了。 [09:19.46]Charlie,your shelves don't look very strong. Charlie,你的书架好像不够力。 [09:29.73]I hope your books won't fall down. 希望你的书不会掉下来。 [09:37.38]6 In the middle of the night,there was a big crash. 半夜时有声很大的声音。 [09:50.94]Mrs Chow and Cherry ran to Charlie's room. Mrs Chow和 Cherry 跑到Charile的卧室里。 [10:00.79]Ouch! Are you all right,Charlie? 哎哟!Charlie,你还好吧? [10:11.13]Don't put so many books on the shelves next time,Charlie. Charlie,下次不要再放这么多书在书架上。 [10:22.89]E Circle the best answers about the story. E 圈出关于故事的最好的答案。 [10:29.73]You can choose more than one. 你可以选一个答案以上。 [10:41.20]1 In Picture 1,Cherry had more___than Charlie. 1 在图1中,Chery的CD书书架比Charile 的 多。 [10:56.85](a) CDs (b) books (c) shelves [11:16.60]2 Charlie put some_____on his shelves. 2 Charlie在他的书架上放上了 。 [11:26.05](a) old books (b) new newspaper (c) old magazines A. 旧书 B. 新报纸 C.旧杂志 [11:51.92]3 Mrs Chow thought Charlie could not__________. 3 Mr Chow认为Charile不能 [12:05.08](a) have more books than Cherry 比Cherry的书多 [12:13.34](b) read all the books 看完所有书 [12:22.16](c) put up some new shelves 设置一些新的书架 [12:32.51]4 Cherry thought Charlie's shelves were_____. 4 Cheny 认为Charlie 的书架 。 [12:44.87](a) not strong (b)old (c) strong A. 不够力 B. 很老 C. 很够力 [13:03.33]5 In the middle of the night______. 5 在半夜的时候, 。 [13:12.19](a) Charlie read the books Charile看书 [13:20.44](b) Chrlie fell out of bed Charlie 趺到床下 [13:29.12](c) Charlie's books fell down Charlie的书掉下来 [13:39.98]F Read the poem. F 读下面的诗。 [13:48.34]The old lady who lives in a shoe 住在树屋里的老奶奶 [13:53.31]There is an old lady who lives in a shoe, 有一个老奶奶住在树屋里, [13:59.26]She has so many children,SHe doesn't know what to do. 她有很多的孩子以至于她不知道怎么办。 [14:06.99]She gives them some soup And she gives them some bread, 她给他们一些汤和面包。 [14:13.34]Then she kisses them all And sends them to bed. 然后她亲吻每一个孩子,让他们安眠。 [14:19.51]Look at the old lady's house and the old man's house. 看看老妇人和老公公的屋子。 [14:26.87]Ask and answer questions. 问和答问题。 [14:43.33]The old man who lives in a tree 住在树屋里的老妇人 [14:48.29]How many beds does the old lady have? She has ten beds. 有多少张床?她有十张床。 [15:03.44]Who has more beds? The old lady has more beds. 谁的床经较多?老妇人比较多。 [15:17.32]Who has a bigger family,the old lady or the old man? 谁的家人比较多,老妇人或老公公? [15:30.38]The old lady has a bigger family than the old man. 老妇人的家人比老公公多。