[by:可可英语网~www.utensil-race.com] [00:05.45]Chapter6: Films We Like 第六课 我们喜欢看的电影 [00:10.89]A What characters can you see in the filmes? A 你在下面的电影里看见什么角色? [00:23.85]There is a clever astronaut in 'Space Contact'. 在“Space Contact"里有个聪明的太空人。 [00:36.31]There is a strong soldier in'Brave Hearts'. “Brave Hearts"里面有个强壮的军人。 [00:48.07]1 a clever astronaut 一个聪明的太空人 [00:58.54]2 a strong soldier 一个强壮的军人 [01:08.57]3 a brave policeman 一个勇敢的警察 [01:18.81]4 a dangerous robber 一个危险的盗贼 [01:29.76]5 a funny clown 一个惹人笑的小丑 [01:40.52]6 a silly monkey 一个愚蠢的猴子 [01:50.26]B Tom saw the film'Police Story'last week. B Tom上个星期看了“Police Story"这场电影。 [01:57.32]He is telling Peter what it was about. 他告诉Peter电影的内容。 [02:03.06]Finish the sentences and put them in the correct order. 完成句子,然后把它们顺序排列。 [02:10.04]Write the numbers in the boxes. 把数字写在方柜里。 [02:36.89]Then he____(fight)the robbers and_____(catch)them. 然后他和那些贼战斗,捉住了他们。 [02:53.66]He_____(swim)to the robbers'boat. 他游向贼船。 [03:02.02]On the boat he______(meet)a beautiful woman. 在船上他看见一个很漂亮的女人。 [03:12.60]Then he____(fight)the robbers and_____(catch)them. 然后他和那些贼战斗,捉住了他们。 [03:25.27]After that he_____(drive)to a restaurant with the woman. 然后他开车和那个女人去了一间餐厅。 [03:36.22]They____(eat)a meal there. 他们在那里吃饭。 [03:42.69]C The children saw the film'Circus Adventure'yesterday. C 那些小朋友昨天看了“Circus Adventure" 这场电影。 [03:50.45]They are talking about the characters.Act the children. 他们在讨论电影里的角色。扮演这些小朋友。 [04:09.39]The clown drove a toy car. 那个小丑开着一架玩具车。 [04:17.44]The monkey stood on the lion's head. 猴子站在狮子头上。 [04:26.50]The lion hurt the monkey. 狮子伤了猴子。 [04:34.16]The man fought the lion. 那个男人和狮子战斗。 [04:42.10]The mouse went into the lion's ear. 老鼠钻进狮子的耳朵里。 [04:51.84]The elephant caught the lion. 大象捉住狮子。 [05:00.49]I liked the clown. 我喜欢小丑。 [05:06.63]Why did you like him? 为什么你喜欢他? [05:12.97]I liked him because he was funny.He drove a toy car. 我喜欢他是因为他很惹人笑。他开着一架玩具车。 [05:26.53]I didn't like the monkey. 我不喜欢猴子。 [05:33.09]Why didn't you like it?I didn't like it because it was silly. 你为什么不喜欢它?我不喜欢是因为它很蠢。 [05:46.54]It stood on the lion's head. 它站进狮子头上。 [05:54.30]D Reading:Charlie becomes a star D 阅读:Charlie成为了一明星。 [06:15.25]1 One Saturday morning Charlie saw some people outside his block of flats. 1 一个星期六早上,Charlie看见他住的那栋木大厦外面一有群人。 [06:33.82]What are you doing? We're making a film. 你们在做什么?我们在拍电影。 [06:46.18]2 Can I be in the film? Yes,you can.Please stand over there. 我可以加入吗?可以,你站到那边去。 [07:05.33]Charlie stayed in the street with the film crew all day. Charlie整天都和摄制队在街上。 [07:16.40]It was hot and tiring. 他觉得又热又累。 [07:23.56]3 During recess on Monday 星期一小憩的时候 [07:31.60]the children talked about the films they saw at the weekend. 这些小朋友在说他们周末看的电影。 [07:45.87]Did you see any films at the weekend.Tom? Tom,你周末有没有看什么电影? [07:55.82]Yes,I saw an action film. 有,我看了一场动作片。 [08:05.49]It was exciting because there was a lot of fighting. 影片很刺激,因为里面有很多打斗场面。 [08:17.95]4 I saw a comedy about clowns. 我看了一套以小丑为主角的喜剧片。 [08:29.60]It was funny because the clowns did silly things. 影片很好笑因为小丑做了很多愚蠢的事情。 [08:41.06]5 What film did you see,Charlie? Charlie,你看了什么电影? [08:51.80]I didn't see a film.I was in a film. 我没有看电影,我拍了一部电影。 [09:02.75]Wow,Charlie! 哇,Charlie. [09:09.41]How exciting! 好厉害! [09:15.96]The other children thought Charlie was very lucky. 其他小朋友觉得Charlie运气很好。 [09:25.32]6 It was a very exciting film. 那部电影很刺激, [09:32.40]There was a lot of action. 有很多动作。 [09:42.95]Charlie showed his friends some of the action in the film. Charlie扮演一些戏里的动作给他朋友看。 [09:55.33]7 Later,the children went to see the film. 后来那些小朋友一起去看电影。 [10:08.29]Look!That's me! 看,那个就是我。 [10:16.62]E Are these sentences about the story true or false? Put a or a. E 这些关于故事的句子是对的还是错的?打“ ”或“ ”。 [10:37.88]1 ( ) One Saturday a film crew made a film outside Charlie's block of flats. 一个星期六一个电影摄制队在Charlie 住的那幢大厦外面拍戏。 [10:58.55]2 ( ) Charlie was tired at the end of the day. 那天收场后Charlie 很累。 [11:11.01]3 ( ) Tom watched an exciting film about clowns. Tom看了一套很刺激的小丑片。 [11:23.86]4 ( ) Charlie said his film was a comedy. Charlie说他拍的是喜剧片。 [11:35.82]5 ( ) Charlie did a lot of fighting in the film Charlie 在戏里做了很多打斗的场面。 [11:49.90]F The children are looking at some film reviews.Act the children. F 这些小朋友在看影片。扮演他们。 [12:11.14]I saw this film on Saturday. 我星期六看了这套电影。 [12:19.92]I liked it because it was exciting. 我喜欢它因为它很刺激。 [12:28.46]I liked Nicky because he was brave. 我喜欢Nicky因为他很勇敢。 [12:38.52]He saved a becautiful girl. 他救了一个很漂亮的女孩。 [12:46.17]He jumped over high walls and flew through the air. 他可以跳过很高的墙,他不可以在空中飞。