[by:可可英语网~www.utensil-race.com] [00:05.04]Chapter9: Cooking Class 第九课:烹饪课 [00:10.08]A/The children are learning to make sandwiches in their cooking class. A/这些小朋友在烹饪课里学习怎么样做三明治. [00:17.95]What fillings are there?What sandwiches can they make? 有些什么馅料?他们能做什么样的三明治呢? [00:36.70]egg 蛋 [00:40.78]salad 色拉 [00:45.04]cheese 干酪 [00:49.71]beef 牛肉 [00:54.26]tuna fish 吞拿鱼 [00:59.43]chicken 鸡肉 [01:03.37]tomato 西红柿 [01:08.23]ham 火腿 [01:12.59]There is some tuna fish. 这里有一些吞拿鱼。 [01:19.23]They can make tuna fish sandwiches. 它们可以用来做吞拿鱼三明治。 [01:27.56]B/The children are getting ready to make snadwiches.Act the teacher. B/这些小朋友正在预备做三明治.扮演老师. [01:41.83]Today we're making sandwiches. 今天我们做三明治。 [01:49.27]1 Wash your hands 1 洗手 [01:57.84]The teacher is washing her hands. 老师在洗手。 [02:04.97]2 Get the knives out of the drawer. 2 在抽屉里拿刀子出来。 [02:15.52]She is getting the knives out of the drawer. 她从抽屉里拿出刀子。 [02:24.07]3 Wash the vegetables. 3 洗蔬菜 [02:33.63]She is washing the vegetables. 她在洗蔬菜。 [02:39.79]4 cuting carefully 小心的切菜 [02:50.06]She is cuting very carefully. 她正很小心的切菜。 [02:57.71]5 butter the slices of bread 往面包上涂黄油 [03:09.78]He is buttering the slices of bread. 他正往面包上涂黄油。 [03:19.13]C/Beeno wants to make a sandwich.Act Beeno and the teacher. C/Beeno想做一个三明治.扮演Beeno和老师. [03:33.97]Now listen carefully. 现在留心听着。 [03:39.43]First put some tuna fish on one slice of bread. 首先将这些吞拿鱼放在一块面包上。 [03:51.68]What do I do next? 接下来我要做什么? [03:59.62]Next put some slices of tomato and some salad on top. 接下来入几块西红柿和一些色拉在上面. [04:18.06]Rearrange the picture in the correct order.Write numbers in the boxes. 从新排列图画的顺序.在盒子里写下数字. [05:36.12]D/Reading:Mr Chow's midnight sandwich D/阅读:Chow先生的宵夜三明治。 [05:49.57]1 Mr Chow woke up in the middle of the night. 1 Chow先生半夜起来。 [06:01.53]I'm hungry.I want a sandwich. 我很饿,想吃三明治。 [06:13.19]2 First he got some bread and buttered it. 2 首先他拿来一些面包来擦牛油。 [06:25.46]3 Next he cut some thick slices of ham and cheese. 3 接着,他切一些厚片火腿和干酪. [06:40.01]He put them on top of the bread. 他把它们放在面包上面。 [06:46.78]4 Then he put another slice of bread on top. 4 然后他再将另一块面包放在上面。 [06:59.94]He put some sausages and some potato chips on top. 再将香肠和薯片放在上面。 [07:10.60]5 Mr Chow was tired. 5 Chow先生很累。 [07:20.27]He did not finish his sandwich.He fell asleep. 他还没有做好三明治,他就睡着了。 [07:38.81]6 In the morning,Mrs Chow went into the kitchen. 6 第二天早上,Chow太太走进厨房。 [07:51.35]Mr Chow was still sleeping. Chow先生还在睡。 [07:58.33]Mrs Chow saw the sandwich. Chow太太看到了那个三明治。 [08:05.69]What a nice sandwich! 这个三明治看起来很好味! [08:15.54]I can eat it for breakfast. 我可以把它当早餐。 [08:22.91]E/Answer the questions about the story.Give short answers. E回答有关这个故事的问题,然后作短回答. [08:37.75]1 Mr Chow woke up in the middle of the night.How did he feel? 1 Chow先生半夜起来,他觉得怎么样? [08:51.62]2 What did Mr Chow put in the sandwich? 2 Chow放了些什么在三明治里面? [09:03.58]3 Who ate the sandwich? 3 谁吃了三明治? [09:13.93]4 Where was Mr Chow in the morning? 4 第二天早上.Chow先生在哪里? [09:24.87]SK/Write a list of ingredients for the recipe.Then finish the steps. SK/写出处方上面的材料,然后写出烹饪的步骤. [09:43.63]F/The teacher is telling the children how to make a cream cake.Act the teacher. F/老师正教小朋友们怎么做蛋糕.扮演老师. [10:08.18]1 First cut the cake in half. 首先将蛋糕切成两半。 [10:19.42]2 Put the cream on one half of the cake. 2 将奶油放在半边蛋糕上。 [10:38.96]Well done,children! 小朋友们做得好! [10:44.60]Sing a song 唱歌