[by:可可英语网~www.utensil-race.com] [00:05.77]Chapter5: Camping Last Summer 第五课 去年夏天去露营 [00:11.55]A Look at the photos. What are the children doing? A 看看这些相片,这些小朋友在做什么? [00:25.34]The children are staying in a tent. 小朋友住在帐篷里面。 [00:33.65]A girl is collecting firewood. 有个女孩子在捡柴。 [00:41.93]stay in a tent 住帐篷 [00:48.22]pack the bags 捡袋子 [00:53.71]boil water 烧水 [00:59.32]cook a meal 做饭 [01:04.81]wash the dishes 洗碗筷 [01:10.71]collect firewood 捡柴枝 [01:16.83]B Danny is camping with the Scouts. B Danny和男童军去露营, [01:22.70]What did he do today?Act Danny and the Scout leader. 今天做了什么?扮演Danny和童军队长 [01:40.00]What did you do today? 你今天做了什么? [01:46.29]At seven o'clock we washed in the river. 七点我们在河边洗脸。 [01:55.91]At half past seven we collected firewood. 七点半我们去捡柴枝。 [02:05.39]C Fun reading C 趣味小故事。 [02:13.80]Fred and Jim were businessmen. Fred和Jim是商人。 [02:20.98]They walked a long way in the hot sun. 他们在猛烈的阳光下走了很远的路。 [02:30.57]Let's stop here for the night. 不如今晚就在这过夜吧。 [02:39.16]In the evening Fred and Jim were very tired. 到晚上Fred和Jim都很累。 [02:50.16]They needed a rest. 他们需要休息一会。 [02:56.14]Goodnight,Fred. 晚安,Fred. [03:01.05]Sleep well. 好好睡一觉吧。 [03:06.75]Goodnight,Jim.Zzzzzzz. 晚安, [03:20.15]That night their camel was cold. 那天晚上他们的骆驼很冷。 [03:29.66]It opened the tent. 它打开帐篷。 [03:35.64]It wanted to sleep inside. 它进去睡觉。 [03:43.22]It pushed Jim out of the tent. 他把Jim推出帐篷。 [03:51.31]The camel went to sleep in the tent. 骆驼进到帐篷内睡觉。 [03:59.70]It's very stuffy in here. 这里很闷啊! [04:07.41]Hey!You're not Jim! 咦?你都不是 Jim! [04:15.79]Where's Jim? Jim去哪了? [04:21.07]Fred pushed the camel and Jim pulled it. Fred一边推着骆驼而Jim在另外边拉着。 [04:33.79]But the camel did not move. 但骆驼却一动也不动。 [04:41.29]It stayed in the tent all night. 它整个晚上都呆在帐篷里面。 [04:49.49]D Sammy and Julie went to a camp during the summer holidays.Act children. D Sammy和Julie在暑假去了露营.扮演这些小朋友. [05:08.19]How was your holiday? 你们的假期过得怎么样? [05:15.38]It was great! 很好玩! [05:21.38]There's so much to tell you. 有很多事情告诉你。 [05:29.38]We stayed in a camp. 我们住在营社。 [05:35.88]We washed outside. 我们在户外洗脸。