[by:可可英语网~www.utensil-race.com] [00:05.26]Chapter4: Now And Then 第四课 现在和过去。 [00:10.53]A Point and say.Talk about the people. A 指和说,说说这些人物。 [00:24.84]Betty's grandfather is old. Betty 的爷爷年纪很大了。 [00:33.04]His face is wrinkled. 他的脸上有皱纹。 [00:40.33]old 年纪大 [00:45.04]young 年纪小 [00:49.84]strong 强壮 [00:54.62]weak 弱 [00:59.22]black hair 黑头发 [01:04.42]grey hair 灰头发 [01:09.90]smooth face 光滑的脸 [01:16.20]wrinkled face 有皱纹的脸 [01:22.18]B Betty's Uncle John was a famous film star.Look at the hpotos.Act Uncle John. B Betty 的伯伯曾经是一位名星。看看这些相片,扮演 Uncle John. [01:45.38]I was young. 我那是很年轻。 [01:52.09]Now I'm old. 现在很老了。 [01:58.67]My eyes were good. 以前我的眼睛很好。 [02:05.39]Now they're bad. 现在就差很多了。 [02:12.68]Now talk about Uncle John's wife. 现在说说Uncle John的太太吧。 [02:20.49]This is my wife. [02:23.74]这是我的太太。 [02:26.99]Her hair was long. 她的头发是长的。 [02:34.49]Now it's short. 现在的头发就很短了。 [02:42.09]C Fun reading C 趣味小故事。 [02:50.68]You look unhappy. 你看起来很不开心。 [02:57.19]What's the matter? 什么事啊? [03:02.28]When I was young I was beautiful. 我年轻的时候很美的。 [03:11.58]Now I'm ugly. 现在就很丑了。 [03:18.58]My face was snooth. 以前我的脸很光滑的。 [03:25.98]Now it's wrinkled. 现在的脸有很多皱纹。 [03:34.00]I was slim. 以前我很苗条的。 [03:40.40]Now I'm fat. 现在我很肥。 [03:47.29]Don't worry. 不用担心。 [03:52.28]My friend can help you 我的朋友可以帮助你。 [03:59.28]I have a machine. 我有个机器。 [04:07.09]It can make you young and beautiful again in five minutes. 它可以在五分钟这内令你像以前那么年轻和漂亮。 [04:20.28]Really? 真的? [04:24.88]See that young man? 看到那位年轻人吗? [04:36.27]He was old. 他以前很老。 [04:42.07]Now he's young. 现在他很年轻。 [04:48.47]Quick!Quick! 快点!快点! [04:54.77]Let me try it. 让我试试。 [05:00.36]I want to be youngagain. 我想回复青春。 [05:07.36]Remember! 记住! [05:11.85]Come out in five minutes. 五分钟之内要出来。 [05:19.16]Mrs Chan does not listen to Dr Ng. 陈太没有听陈医生的吩咐。 [05:29.95]She stays in the machine for fifteen minutes. 她在机器里面呆了十五 分钟。 [05:40.17]Oh no! 噢!糟了! [05:52.76]How old am I? 我几岁啊? [05:58.77]D Act Betty and her grandfather. D 扮演Betty和他爷爷 [06:08.56]Is that you,Grandpa? 爷爷那是你吗? [06:16.35]Yes,it's me. 是的,那是我。 [06:23.53]I was fat. 以前我很肥。 [06:30.03]Now I'm thin. 现在就很瘦了。 [06:36.64]My hair was black. 以前我的头发是黑色的。 [06:44.04]Now it's grey。 现在是灰色了。 [06:51.14]Is that me,Grandpa? 爷爷,那是我吗? [06:59.24]Yes,it is. 是你。 [07:05.04]You were short. 以前你很矮的。 [07:10.73]Now you're tall. 现在你长高了。 [07:16.92]Your legs were weak. 以前你的脚没力。走路不稳定。 [07:25.94]Now they're strong. 现在你的脚就有力了。走路就稳定。 [07:35.24]Now you do the rest. 现在你做完其他那些吧。