[by:可可英语网~www.utensil-race.com] [00:04.96]Chapter3: Our Birthday 第三课 我们的生日 [00:09.93]A Act Mary and her mother.Ask and answer questions about the dates. A 扮演 Mary 和她的妈妈问和答关于日期的问题。 [00:29.13]first second third fourth fifth sixth 第一,第二,第三,第四,第五,第六 [00:39.92]seventh eighth ninth tenth eleventh twelfth 第七,第八,第九,第十,第十一,第十二 [00:53.42]thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth sixteenth seventeenth eighteenth 第十三,第十四,第十五,第十六,第十七,第十八, [01:07.92]nineteenth twentieth twenty-first twenty-second twenty-third 第十九,第二十,第二十一,第二十二,第二十三, [01:20.82]twenty-fourth twenty-fifth twenty-sixth twenty-seventh 第二十四,第二十五,第二十六,第二十七 [01:31.51]twenty-eighth twenty-ninth thirtieth thirty-first 第二十八,第二十九,第三十,第三十一 [01:41.83]When do you have a holiday? 你什么时候有假放啊? [01:48.90]We have a holiday on the eleventh of May. 我们五月十一号有假放。 [01:59.38]B Ask and answer questions about ther children's birthdays. B 问和答这些小朋友什么时候生日。 [02:14.66]January 一月 [02:19.26]February 二月 [02:24.07]March 三月 [02:28.77]April 四月 [02:33.08]May 五月 [02:37.68]June 六月 [02:42.46]July 七月 [02:47.24]August 八月 [02:52.25]September 九月 [02:56.95]October 十月 [03:01.55]November 十一月 [03:06.15]December 十二月 [03:11.14]When's your birthday,Tom? Tom你什么时候生日? [03:18.53]It's on the twfelfth of February. 二月十二号。 [03:26.71]Whose birthday is in February? 谁在二月生日啊? [03:36.08]Tom's birthday is in Februay. Tom 在二月生日。 [03:45.80]Ask about your friends' birthdays. 问问你的朋友什么时候生日。 [03:55.60]C Read about Billy. C 读这段关于Billy的问题。 [04:05.68]How old am I? 我几岁了? [04:12.87]This is Billy. 这个是 Billy. [04:19.16]His birthday is on 29th February. 他在二月二十九日生日。 [04:30.16]He has one birthday evey four years. 他每四年才有一次生日。 [04:41.34]Poor Billy! Billy真可怜 [04:48.34]Can you remember how many days there are in each month?Here is a rhyme to help you. 你记不记每个月有多少天?这里有首诗帮助你记忆。 [05:05.35]Thirth days have September, April,June and November, 九月、四月、六月、十一月都有三十天, [05:14.75]All the rest have thirty-one,ExceptingFebruary alone, 剩下的月份都是31天,除了二月。 [05:22.85]which has but twenty-eight days clear. 二月平年有二十八天。 [05:28.25]And twenty-nine in each leap year. 二月闰年有29天。 [05:33.95]How many days are there in your birthday month?Finish the sentences. 你生日的月份有多少天?完成这些句子。 [05:47.74]D The children are ordering birthday cakes.Act the people. D 小朋友订的生日蛋糕。扮演这些人物。 [06:03.76]When's your birthday party? 你什么时候开生日会? [06:18.64]Whose party is in May? 谁的生日会在五月的? [06:27.34]Sam's party is in May. Sam 的生日会在五月。 [06:34.95]It's on the eighteenth of May. 在五月十八号。 [06:42.05]This one's first. 这个第一。 [06:47.64]This one's second. 这个第二。 [06:53.73]That one's third. 那个第三。