[by:可可英语网~www.utensil-race.com] [00:05.45]Chapter9: Helpful Boy 第9课 乐于助人的男孩 [00:10.89]Read the story 阅读这个故事 [00:18.26]Excuse me.May I help you? 对不起,需要我的帮忙吗? [00:27.51]Sorry,I can't hear you. 对不起,我听不到你说什么? [00:37.36]Fred is not his way to school. Fred正上学的路上. [00:44.49]He likes helping people. 他喜欢帮助别人. [00:50.44]Grandma!Where are you going? 婆婆!你去哪里? [00:58.70]Let's cross the road. 让我们过马路吧! [01:04.94]Fred helps an old lady to cross the road. Fred帮助这位老婆婆过马路. [01:13.80]May I carry your bags? 我可以帮你提包吗? [01:20.77]Yes,thank you. 好的,谢谢. [01:27.22]Fred meets Mrs Chow. Fred遇到周太太. [01:33.99]I'm sorry. 对不起. [01:42.32]That's all right. 不要紧. [01:48.56]The bags are heavy. 这袋子很重. [01:54.44]Fred cannot carry them. Fred提不动. [02:00.97]Can I help you? 我可以帮助你吗? [02:06.54]Yes,thanks.Here you are. 好的,谢谢.给你. [02:15.68]Fred opens the door for the man. Fred帮这个男子开车门. [02:24.82]You stupid boy! 你真是愚蠢! [02:39.09]You must help the police. 你应该帮警察才对. [02:46.24]May I help you to get on the train? 我推你上车好不好? [02:54.39]The train is full. 这地铁很拥挤. [03:00.58]Hey!Don't push me. 喂!不要推我. [03:07.72]Sorry. 对不起. [03:12.44]May I clean the board? 我帮你擦黑板好不好? [03:19.52]Fred wants to help his teacher. Fred想帮他的老师. [03:26.89]Oh no,Fred! 哦,不要. [03:31.96]Don't clean the board yet! 不要擦黑板! [03:38.41]Sorry,Miss Lee. 对不起,李老师. [03:44.60]I have no money for lunch. 我没有钱吃午餐. [03:52.75]Here.Take this money. 给你.拿这些钱去吧! [04:00.69]Fred is a good friend. Fred是一个好朋友. [04:08.24]Oh dear!I'm too helpful. 哦!我太乐于助人了. [04:18.69]Fred is hungry. Fred很肚饿. [04:25.25]He wants some lunch but.. 他想吃午餐但... [04:33.32]Read the story again,Then choose the correct answers. 再阅读一次这个故事.选择正确的答案 [04:50.38]Mrs Chow is____. 周太在__________ [05:00.12](a)reading (b)shopping (c)running (a)看书.(b)购物.(c)跑步 [05:21.18]The man is__ 这个男人在___ [05:31.02](a)running (b)walking (c)shopping (a)跑步(b)散步(c)购物 [05:52.57]The man is__ 这个男人_____. [06:02.53](a)happy (b)kind (c)rude (a)好开心(b)好好心(c)不礼貌 [06:23.97]The teacher is_____. 这个老师____ [06:33.35](a)helpful (b)unhappy(c)afraid (a)乐于助人(b)不开心(c)很凶 [06:55.01]Read these words about Fred.Put a tickor a cross. 读这些形容Fred的单词打钩或打叉. [07:10.26]What do you think of Fred?Tell your friend. 你是怎样认为Fred的?告诉你的朋友. [07:20.53]What are the people saying?Look and match. 人们在说什么?看图和配对. [07:33.49]May I open the door? 我帮你开门好吗? [07:41.06]Thank you,Fred. 谢谢,Fred. [07:51.61]Yes,please. 好,谢谢. [07:59.27]I'm sorry.I can't hear you. 对不起,我听不到你说什么? [08:09.85]Excuse me . 对不起,让一下 [08:17.21]No,thank you. 不用了,谢谢 [08:24.37]You're welcome. 别客气. [08:31.43]I'm sorry.I don't know. 对不起,我不知道.