[by:可可英语网~www.utensil-race.com] [00:04.95]Chapter8: A Christmas Visit 第八课 圣诞老人来看我们 [00:09.90]A Sing the song 唱这首歌 [00:17.66]Rudolph,the red-nosed reindeer Has a very shiny nose. 鲁道夫,这头长着红鼻子的驯鹿 [00:30.93]So we can see him coming And we see him when he goes. 我们看着他来,又目送他离去。 [00:41.20]All of the other reindeer Laugh and call him funny names. 所有其他的驯鹿曾经嘲笑鲁道夫 [00:51.15]They never let poor Rudolph Join in any reindeer games. 它们骂它且从不许鲁道夫加入它们玩游戏 [01:01.20]But on snowy Christmas Eve Santa comes to say, 那是一个大雾弥漫的圣诞夜,圣诞老人降临了,他说: [01:11.16]Rudolph with your nose so bright Come and pull my sleigh tonight 可爱的孩子鲁道夫你长着这么闪亮的鼻子 [01:21.40]Then all the other reindeer Gather round him and they say, 从那以后所有的驯鹿都羡慕它,它们兴奋地呼喊 [01:31.35]'Rudolph,the red-nosed reindeer,Can we help you pull the sleigh? 嘿鲁道夫,我们能帮你拉雪橇吗? [02:47.42]B Mary is telling her friends about her visit to Santa's Village B Mary正告诉她朋友关于参观圣诞老人村子的事 [02:55.88]Act the children. 扮演这些小朋友. [03:07.43]Does Santa wear a suit? 圣诞老人有没有穿圣诞老人衫的? [03:15.79]Yes,he does.He wears a red suit. 有,他穿一套红色的衫. [03:25.17]Do Mr and Mrs Santa live in a flat? 圣诞老人和圣诞婆婆是不是住在同一个单位的 [03:36.03]No,they don't. 不是 [03:41.68]They live in a house. 他们住在一间房子里. [03:48.34]Now you do the rest 你做其余这些. [03:55.10]C Fun reading C 趣味小故事 [04:02.08]1 It is Christmas Eve 在圣诞节前夕 [04:08.53]Tell me about Santa Claus,Dad. 爸爸,说些关于圣诞老人的事给我听好吗 [04:17.67]What does he do? 他做什么的? [04:22.64]He brings presents for children at Christmas. 他在圣诞节的时候带礼物给小朋友. [04:32.69]Does Santa have a very big bag? 圣诞老人是不是有一个大袋子的? [04:42.96]Does he climb into people's flats? 他是不是爬入人家的家里的? [04:52.62]Yes,he does. [04:55.20]是的. [04:57.77]Santa Claus is here! 圣诞老人来了! [05:04.93]Come and meet him! 去看一下他. [05:10.49]The children are running 小朋友跑着. [05:16.87]They want their Christmas presents. 他们想要圣诞节礼物. [05:23.53]There is a policeman nearby. 附近有一位警察. [05:30.19]Merry Christmas,Santa Claus! 圣诞快乐,圣诞老人! [05:38.83]Welcome to Hong Kong! 欢迎你来香港! [05:46.41]Choose the best title: 选择最好的故事名 [05:53.67]Christmas presents A visit from Santa Santa's big bag 圣诞礼物 圣诞老人来探访 圣诞老人的大袋 [06:14.52]D Santa is talking to Charlie. 圣诞老人和Charlie在聊天. [06:19.77]Act Santa and Charlie. 扮演圣诞老人和Charlie. [06:31.42]Tell me about yourself,Charlie. 说一些有关于你的事给我听好吗,Charlie [06:40.48]I live in a flat. 我住在一个单位里面. [06:47.54]I travel by car and bus. 我坐私家车和巴士. [06:55.90]I have a sister called Cherry. 我有一个姐姐叫Cherry. [07:05.04]We have a lot of friends. 我有许多朋友. [07:14.31]We play football with our friends. 我们和我们的朋友一起踢足球. [07:21.26]Mrs Santa asks Santa about Charlie. 圣诞婆婆问圣诞老人关于Charlie的事 [07:26.01]Act Mr and Mrs Santa. 扮演圣诞婆婆和圣诞老人. [07:39.47]Does Charlie live in a house? Charlie是不是住在一间房子里面的? [07:48.22]No,he doesn't. 不是. [07:54.70]He lives in a flat. 他住在一个单位里面. [08:01.46]Now you do the rest 现在你做其余这些.