[ti:] [ar:] [al:] [by:九九Lrc歌词网~www.99Lrc.net] [00:02.08]Now which one is Rex's headstone? I always forget. 哪个是Rex的墓碑?我总是忘。 [00:07.50]It's right down this row. 就在这排。 [00:09.46]Oh. Oh, yes. That's right. 哦,哦是。对。 [00:13.28]Over the years, Bree Van de Kamp had grown increasingly concerned over her mother-in-law's forgetfulness. 这些年来,Bree van de Kamp愈发担心她婆婆的记性。 [00:20.59]Oh, honey, did I forget to take the pins out of that dress? 哦,甜心,我忘了把针拿下来了是么? [00:25.00]Her lapses had become more frequent... 她的健忘越来越频繁... [00:27.37]Sweetie, didn't I tell you I was gonna paint that chair? 宝贝儿,我没告诉你我要给椅子上漆么? [00:32.16]More glaring... 越来越严重... [00:35.36]Oh, dear. Didn't I mention I waxed the floor? 哦,亲爱的。我没说过我给地板打过蜡了么? [00:39.23]And more dangerous. 越来越危险。 [00:42.39]Yes, Bree was worried about Phyllis' faulty memory, but she was more than happy to remind her, especially when it came to the important things. 是的Bree担心Phyllis要命的记性,但她乐得提醒她,尤其是那些重要的事情。 [00:53.18]So have you given any thought to when you might be ending your visit? What? 你有没有打算过要什么时候走呢? [00:58.75]Have I become a burden? Is that what you're saying? 怎么了,我住这烦扰到你了么?你是这个意思? [01:03.38]I was simply asking when you were planning to leave. 我就是随便问问你打算什么时候走。 [01:07.00]There was no agenda behind the question. 我的问题什么目的都没有。 [01:10.01]Oh. I, I don't know. Why don't we play it by ear? 哦。我..不知道。看情况再说吧! [01:18.51]Yes, let’s. 嗯,好吧。 [01:24.17]What on earth? 这是什么啊? [01:25.10]Oh, my god. What happened? 天那。这是怎么啦? [01:29.37]It looks like someone dug Rex up. 看来好像有人把Rex挖出来了。 [01:32.14]Well, I got that, but why? Why would they do that? 是啊我看出来了,但为什么啊?他们为什么要这样? [01:36.39]I don't know. Unless... 不知道。除非... [01:40.92]Unless what? 除非什么? [01:43.94]Maybe this has something to do withthat insurance investigator. 除非这跟那个保险调查员有关。 [01:48.99]Insurance investigator? 保险调查员? [01:50.61]He came by asking all sorts of questions. 他上门来问了好多问题。 [01:54.25]I don't know what you're talking about, Phyllis. 我不知道你在说什么,Phyllis。 [01:56.42]Maybe you were at the store. Anyway, he was very suspicious. 你可能在商店呢。总之,他觉得事有蹊跷。 [02:01.84]Suspicious? 蹊跷? [02:03.03]Oh, yes. He has a theory that Rex didn't die of a heart attack. He thinks he was poisoned. 嗯,是啊。他觉得Rex不是死于心脏病的。他认为他是被毒死的。 [02:10.37]It was in that moment Bree could finally see the truth. 就在这一刻,Bree终于明白了。 [02:14.59]Did I not mention that? 我又忘了说么? [02:16.88]Her mother-in-law's memory was fine. It was her soul that was faulty. 她婆婆的记性并没问题。要命的是她的心眼。