[by:可可英语网~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00:12]Cosmetics-Shopping-Outlook 化妆品-购物-前瞻 [00:05:51]Not only as an act of courtesy,but also to look good,women spend time and energy polishing their appearances. 不光是礼貌,也是为了好看,女士们都会花时间和精力打扮自己。 [00:13:05]At the very least,lipsticks and foundations can be found in any woman's purse these days. 如今在任何女人的手提包里,至少会有口红和粉底之类的东西。 [00:18:20]It is not enough;women always want to be prettier,younger,and more attractive. 但这还不够;女人们总是想要更漂亮,更年轻,更有吸引力。 [00:24:42]That is why cosmetic products are so popular among female shoppers. 这就是化妆品之所以如此受女性顾客欢迎的原因了。 [00:28:38]Every department store like Macy's and Neimqn Marcus all dedicate a large portion of their store estate to beauty products, 像Macy's和Neimqn Marcus之类的每一间百货公司,都会专门为美容产品部门设置一个很大的营业空间范围, [00:36:43]providing more than a handful of brands for shoppers to choose from. 提供很多的品牌以供挑选。 [00:40:59]Competition between manufac-turers has created an array of procucts designed to allow anyone to get the perfect look. 厂商之间的竞争而产生了各种不同的产品,以便让任何人都可以拥有那完美的外表。 [00:48:46]In recent years,a new trend has emerged. 近几年来,出现了一种新的趋势。 [00:50:31]Companies began producing products such as cologne,shaving cream,and shower gel for our male counterparts. 这些公司开始产生男性用的产品,如古龙水,刮毛膏,和沐浴乳。 [00:58:05]he demand increased as men paid more attention to their skins and images. 这种需求一直在增加,因为男士们更加重视他们的皮肤和外表形象了。 [01:03:44]Several manufacturers have devoted part of their product lines for the needs of this new group of customers. 有一些厂商为了满足这一群新顾客的需求而设置了几条生产线。 [01:10:31]Untouched markets are still enormous. 这仍有很庬大的市场尚未开发。 [01:12:54]With affordable price tags,skin care,makeup, 靠着每个人负担得起的价格,皮肤保养品,化妆品, [01:13:59]and fragrance will continue to expand their user base to preteens and senior citizens in both genders. 和香水都将继续扩大其用户范围而及于所有的男女老少。