[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.00]British police are prosecuting four motorists for slowing down on a busy highway to take photos of a crash scene. 英国警察起诉四名汽车司机,由于他们在忙碌的高速公路上行驶时,为拍摄车祸现场照片而减速。 [00:15.06]It will be the first time for drivers in Britain to face prosecution for "rubbernecking" - 这是英国首次对司机的"好奇心"而起诉, [00:22.23]the act of looking back at a grisly scene, usually while driving a car. 因为司机在开车时,出于"好奇心"而扭头看后面的恐怖现场。 [00:27.79]The four rubberneckers slowed down to snap shots of a crash on the other side of the road. 四名好奇的司机,为了拍摄道路另一边的车祸现场而减速。 [00:34.78]Drivers behind them were forced to brake to avoid hitting the rubberneckers. 他们后面的司机不得不刹车来避免撞上拍照司机的车辆。 [00:40.62]Police at the scene said the photo-taking motorists had been "acting irresponsibly" in slowing down to use their mobile phones to take photos. 现场警察表示,四名司机的行为--他们用自己的手机拍照,并降低车速--是没有责任心的。 [00:50.64]They will be charged with driving without due care and attention and without reasonable consideration for other road users. 他们将受到指控,控告依据是"开车的时候,没有做到应有的专注,并且没有顾忌其他道路使用者的安全。" [00:59.64]Police officer Shelley Holloway spoke to journalists about the incident. 谢莉警官对记者说明了这一事件。 [01:05.29]She said: "Thankfully nobody was injured in the collision. 她说,在车祸中幸亏没有人受伤。 [01:09.19]However the actions of several motorists who drove through the scene showed no regard for their own or of other people's safety, 然而,一些从车祸现场经过的司机的行为,却没有顾忌其他人的安危, [01:18.35]as they used their mobile phones to record or video the wreckage as they passed. 因为他们在开车经过的时候,用手机拍照或者录下车祸现场情景。 [01:24.19]In doing so, they were not in proper control of their vehicle. 这样做的时候,他们就不能很好地控制车辆。 [01:29.35]They slowed down causing motorists behind them to brake or take evasive action and slow the flow of traffic that was already heavily congested. 他们的减速,导致后面的司机不得不刹车或者避让,从而使原本拥堵的交通更加缓慢。 [01:40.75]She added that: "One of the causes of serious injury and fatal collisions is the use of mobile telephones." 她还补充说道,导致重伤或者致命车祸发生的原因之一就是使用手机。 [01:49.69]She urged motorists to lock their phones away when driving. 她劝告司机的开车的时候把自己手机锁起来。