[00:00.00]The gathering in Myanmar's capital city Naypyidaw marks another milestone for the country's political opening, 缅甸行政首都奈比多召开的这次会议标志着该国政治开放上的另一里程碑, [00:07.17]as it plays host to this year's major meetings of the Association of Southeast Asian nations. 该国主持今年东盟国家的重要会议。 [00:11.83]But just like recent ASEAN gatherings, the bloc's key issue: how to address maritime territorial disputes in the South China Sea remains unresolved, says Myanmar's foreign minister. 但缅甸外长说,就像最近东盟的会议那样,这个组织的关键问题仍然是,如何解决南中国海悬而未决的海上领土争议问题。 [00:24.08]"It is not that one party is trying to influence others, the others against the one country," he said. “并不是一方试图影响其他方,其他方反对一个国家。 [00:34.59]"All ASEAN, not ASEAN versus China. This is what we call it the ASEAN...we would like to settle all these kind of disputes in a very peaceful manner." 是所有的东盟国家,不是东盟对中国的争议。因此我们称之为东盟,我们愿意以和平方式解决此类全部争端。” [00:47.97]The emphasis on diplomacy comes after months of sometimes violent territorial confrontations. 目前的关注点是外交,但几个月前却不时发生暴力领土对抗。 [00:53.25]In May, China moved an oil rig to waters near the Paracel islands, which Vietnam also claims. 5月份,中国将钻井平台转移到西沙群岛附近水域,而越南也声称拥有这片水域。 [01:00.20]The move sparked a violent backlash against Chinese businesses in Vietnam. 此举导致中国在越南的企业遭受暴力抗议, [01:05.30]Chinese land reclamation efforts near islets claimed by the Philippines also set off alarms in Manila. 中国在这些岛屿附近的领土声称做法令马尼拉警惕。 [01:11.50]U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry says he remains hopeful the matter can be resolved without hostilities. 美国国务卿约翰·克里称他仍希望此事不要通过敌对方式解决。 [01:18.06]“We all underscored the importance of negotiations on a binding code of conduct," he said. “我们都明白在约束性行为准则下进行协商的重要性, [01:25.23]"And I stressed the importance of everybody clarifying claims under international law and proceeding under the legal process through the law, through arbitration, and also through bilateral relationships.” 我强调很重要的一点是,每个人都能根据国际法澄清其领土要求,并依法、依据种菜和双边关系提出诉讼程序。” [01:39.22]Efforts to agree on a binding code of conduct have faltered for more than a decade, partly because of Chinese opposition. 10多年来,希望达成约束性行为准则的努力一直不顺,这部分是因为中国的反对。 [01:46.60]The lack of progress has led some countries such as the Philippines to try other legal venues to determine ownership. 进展不力使得菲律宾等部分国家希望通过其他法律途径来决定拥有权。 [01:54.47]ASEAN Secretary General Le Luong Minh tells VOA that because of the growing tensions, negotiators must find a peaceful breakthrough. 东盟秘书长黎良明告诉美国之音,因为局势越发紧张,协商者必须寻找和平的突破方法。 [02:04.08]“It is urgent, it is important now that ASEAN can engage China and can intensify... these consultations, these negotiations, “这件事很迫切,现在重要的是东盟能和中国进行交流,并加强磋商和协商, [02:18.51]towards the early conclusion and adoption of a code of conduct,” he said. 朝着及早下结论和推行行为准则的路上走去。” [02:27.44]Chinese state-backed media Monday played up the failure of the U.S. proposal to freeze provocative acts in disputed parts of the Sea, 中国国有媒体周一宣传美国提议的失败,来冷处理争议海上的挑衅行为, [02:35.89]claiming Washington uses the issue to meddle in the region. 声称华盛顿使用该问题来参与地区事务。