[00:00.00]BBC News with Nick Kelly. 尼克·凯里为你播报BBC新闻。 [00:03.84]The United States has warned that the jihadist group, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, or ISIS poses a threat to the entire region after its fighters seized control of another key city in northern Iraq, Mosul. Jim Muir reports. 圣战组织“伊拉克和黎凡特伊斯兰国”(ISIS)武装分子占领了伊拉克另一关键城市后,美国警告说该组织已对该地区构成威胁。吉姆·缪尔报道 [00:18.49]“For the Shiite dominated government in Baghdad, the loss of mainly Sunni Mosul to the radicals was nothing short of a disaster. “对巴格达什叶派把持的政府来说,失去主要是逊尼派的摩苏尔无疑是场灾难。 [00:26.35]Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki headed an emergency government meeting. 总理努里·马利基主持召开了政府紧急会议。 [00:30.43]‘The cabinet has taken decisions to set in motion the work of the security bodies and to restructure and reorganize them, ‘内阁决定调动起安全机构,并进行重组和改制, [00:38.20]and to redraw the plan needed to return and claim the city of Mosul from the evil of the criminal terrorists’. 并重新筹划从罪恶恐怖分子手中夺回摩苏尔市的计划。’ [00:44.61]Although he spoke of a swift and urgent response, restructuring the security forces clearly is not going to happen overnight. 尽管他表示要立即响应,但重建安全部队显然不可能一夜之间完成。 [00:52.32]ISIS's fighters are digging in Mosul and every day that passes, there will be more entrenched.” ISIS的武装分子在摩苏尔挖掘壕沟。” [00:57.96]European football officials have challenged the FIFA President Sepp Blatter over his leadership of world football's governing body. 欧洲足球官员表示对FIFA主席塞普·布拉特对这个世界足球官方机构的领袖表示反对, [01:05.74]Mr. Blatter is expected to announce he wants to stand for a 5th term next year. David Bond reports. 一般预料布拉特将宣布希望明年连任第五任期。戴维·邦德报道。 [01:11.87]“Today in a meeting with European Football Associations, the 78-year-old Swiss confirmed his change of heart, “今天在欧洲足球联合会的会议上,这位78岁的瑞士人表示改变心愿, [01:18.28]sparking a tense rebellion from those who believe it's time for him to go. 那些认为他应该离职的人表示强烈不满。 [01:22.52]As ever, it was the English who led the way with the FA Chairman, Greg Dyke, 按照往常那样,还是英国人带头,这次是英国足协主席格里戈·代克, [01:27.24]publicly criticizing Mr. Blatter for he has claimed the latest corruption allegations aimed at Qatar were motivated by a racist British media. 他公开批评布拉特,对他所谓最近针对卡塔尔的腐败指控是英国种族主义媒体一手策划的说法表示批评。 [01:35.96]Other powerful European FAs joined in, though with Germany and Holland expressing anger at the way Mr. Blatter has run FIFA.” 其他有权势的欧洲足协也参与进来,而德国和荷兰对布拉特管理FIFA的方式表示了愤怒。” [01:43.74]An international conference in London aimed at ending sexual violence in war has been hearing the stories of women survivors. 伦敦一场意在终结战争中性暴力的国际会议听取了妇女幸存者的故事, [01:51.44]15-year-old Genniy is from The Democratic Republic of Congo. She wants the men who raped her brought to justice. 15岁的Genniy来自刚果民主共和国,她希望将强奸她的男人处以正法。 [01:59.55]“I was here in the living room. The soldiers came and took all the women in the house. “我当时在客厅,士兵们进来带走了房间里所有的女人。 [02:11.29]One soldier took me to the manual fields that were right by the house. He tied my hands and feet. 一名士兵将我带到房子右边的田地,他绑了我的手脚, [02:18.74]After he raped me, he hit me. I want simply that justice condemns these men.” 然后强奸了我,还打了我。我只想让这些人受到惩罚。” [02:23.41]Opening the four-day event, the actress and UN Envoy Angelina Jolie who is hosting the event with the British Foreign Secretary William Hague, 女演员兼联合国大使安吉丽娜·朱莉和英国外长威廉·黑格一起主持了这次会议, [02:30.78]said the summit had to send a strong global message. 她说这次峰会必须向全球传达有力的信息。 [02:34.11]“We must send a message around the world that there is no disgrace in being a survivor of sexual violence that the shame is on the aggressor. “我们必须向全世界传递这样的信息,在性暴力中存活下来没有什么不光彩的,可耻的是暴行的实施者。 [02:42.72]We must work together in new and unprecedented ways across borders and religions bringing governments and people together and tackling the problem from every possible angle.” 我们必须一起努力,以全新的、前所未有的方式,跨越国界和宗教,将各国政府和人民联合起来,从各个可能的角度解决这一问题。” [02:56.65]You are listening to the world news from the BBC. 这里是BBC世界新闻。 [03:00.36]The Chilean government has rejected what would’ve been the biggest energy project in the country's history. 智利政府放弃了原本可能是该国历史上最大的能源项目, [03:06.62]The hydroelectric project was due to include building five huge dams on two rivers in a scenic part of Partgonia in the far south of the country. 这个水电项目原本包括在该国最南部巴塔哥尼亚一个风景区建设5座大坝。 [03:16.02]Chile's Energy Minister said the project have many aspects that were poorly thought out. 智利能源部长称该项目很多方面策划不当, [03:20.61]Environmentalists celebrated the decision, saying the project would have had a devastating impact on the region's eco-system. 环保人士庆祝这一决定,称该项目将对该地区的生态系统构成灾难性影响。 [03:27.14]The Colombian government says it's starting peace negotiations with the country's second largest rebel group, the National Liberation Army. 哥伦比亚政府称将与该国第二大叛军组织国民解放军进行和平协商, [03:35.48]In a joints statement, the two sides said they have been holding exploratory discussions since January, 双方在联合声明中称自一月开始就在进行探索性的协商, [03:40.28]and now have agreed on two points of the agenda to discuss in formal negotiations. 现在就议程的两点达成协议,准备开始正式协商。 [03:46.13]Customs officers at Manchester Airport in Brittan have seized a large amount of heroin which have been woven into hand-knotted carpets from Pakistan. 英国曼彻斯特机场的海关官员从巴基斯坦运来的手工地毯中查获大批海洛因, [03:56.17]Two men have been arrested in London. As Danny Savage reports. 两名男子在伦敦被捕。Danny Savage报道。 [03:59.88]“Border force officers say they were suspicious of the 46 hand-made carpets when they arrived at Manchester airport from Peshawar in Pakistan. “边境军官称当这46个手工地毯从巴基斯坦白沙瓦抵达曼彻斯特机场时就感到怀疑, [04:08.91]And their concerns were backed up when a sniffer dog alerted its handler to one of the carpets. 当一条嗅探犬提醒其训练者到一个地毯那里时,就更加怀疑了。 [04:13.59]But the hidden heroin wasn't obvious. It has been woven into the fabric what officers describe as a highly sophisticated concealment method. 但海洛因藏得不明显,而是被编入织物当众,官方称用的是非常尖端的掩藏方法。 [04:22.20]When strands were loosened, the white powder fell out. About 50 kilos have been found so far.” 当丝线被松开后,白粉就落了下来。目前已发现大约50公斤海洛因。” [04:28.72]And more than 1000 acrobats, clowns and other circus employees have taken to the streets of Mexico City to protest against a ban on using animals in circuses. 1000多名杂技师、小丑和其他马戏团雇员走上墨西哥市街头,对禁止马戏团使用动物的禁令表示抗议。 [04:40.75]The new law means that lions, tigers, even dogs will not be allowed to perform. 新法律规定不允许在表演中使用狮子、老虎甚至狗。此前墨西哥其他城市也实施了类似举措, [04:45.50]The protesters say the legislation which follows similar moves in other Mexican cities will leave humans and animals unemployed. 抗议者称此举将使得人和动物都失业, [04:53.19]Supporters say constant training and transportation in enclosed vehicles harm the animals.BBC News 支持者称在封闭车辆中进行不断的训练和运输会伤害动物。BBC新闻。