[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.23]What the... What is that supposed to mean? 真他... 到底什么意思? [00:02.04]Wait, settle down. What is it supposed to mean? 等下 冷静点儿 到底什么意思? [00:03.56]Erica, the reason we're able to sit here and drink right now Erica 我们现在坐在这儿喝东西 [00:05.22]is 'cause you used to sleep with the door guy. 不就是因为你跟看门的睡过觉么 [00:06.51]"The door guy"? His name is Bobby. I have not slept with the door guy. "看门的"叫Bobby 我没跟"看门的"睡过觉 [00:11.74]The door guy is a friend of mine, and he's a perfectly good class of people. "看门的"是我的朋友 他是非常非常好的那一类人 [00:15.31]And what part of Long Island are you from, Wimbledon? 你觉着你是从长岛哪个地头来的? 温布尔登? [00:18.89]Wait. Wait, wait. I'm going back to my dorm. 等下 我要回宿舍了 [00:20.79]Is this real? Yes. 等下 等下 你来真的? 是的 [00:22.23]Then wait, I apologize, okay? I have to go study. OK 那等一下 我道歉好了... 我得去看书了 [00:24.79]Erika... Erica? Yes? 艾瑞卡,嗯? [00:25.72]I'm sorry, I mean it. I appreciate that, but I have to go study. 对不起 真的 多谢了 不过我要去看书了 [00:28.71]Come on, you don't have to study. Let's just talk. 得了 你用不着看书 你用不着去看书 我们聊聊 [00:30.58]I can't. Why? 不行 为什么? [00:32.00]Because it is exhausting. Dating you is like dating a StairMaster. 因为太累人了 跟你约会就像跟跑步机约会似的 [00:34.87]All I meant is that you're not likely to... Currently... 我的意思是你不像是... [00:37.23]I wasn't making a comment on your parents. 目前我并没有对你的父母 进行任何评论 [00:38.79]I was saying that you go to BU. I was stating a fact, that's all, 我只是说你要去波士顿大学 我只是说事实而已 [00:40.74]and if it seemed rude, then I apologize. 如果表现得粗鲁了 我当然就应该道歉 [00:42.24]I have to go study. You don't have to study. 我要去看书了 你用不着去看书 [00:43.70]Why do you keep saying I don't have to study? 你干嘛一直说我用不着去看书 [00:45.09]'Cause you go to BU. 你去波士顿大学 还用看书吗 [00:46.28]Do you want to get some food? 要吃点儿什么吗? [00:50.41]I am sorry you are not sufficiently impressed with my education. 真抱歉 令你对我的教育程度嗤之以鼻了 [00:54.27]And I'm sorry I don't have a rowboat, so we're even. 真抱歉我没有赛艇 这样我们扯平了 [00:56.29]I think we should just be friends. I don't want friends. 我想我们只做朋友就好了 我用不着朋友 [00:58.32]I was just being polite. 我只是客套一下 [01:00.18]I have no intention of being friends with you. 我根本不想跟你做朋友... [01:01.71]I'm under some pressure right now from my OS class 我这阵子因为操作系统课 压力很大 [01:03.26]and if we could just order some food, I think we should... 如果点些东西吃的话 我想我们... [01:04.93]Okay, you are probably going to be a very successful computer person. 听着 你在电脑这一行或许会很成功 [01:09.76]But you're gonna go through life thinking that girls don't like you 但你这辈子都不会有姑娘喜欢 [01:13.49]because you're a nerd. 你要是觉得是因为你不善言辞... [01:15.60]And I want you to know from the bottom of my heart that that won't be true. 那我真心地想让你知道 那不是真的 [01:19.26]It'll be because you're an asshole. 之所以没有姑娘喜欢你 因为你就是个混蛋