[00:00.00]BBC News with Julie Candler. 朱莉·坎德勒为你播报BBC新闻。 [00:03.20]A gunman has opened fire inside the Jewish museum in the Belgium capital Brussels, killing three people and seriously injuring a fourth. 一名持枪歹徒在比利时首都布鲁斯阿尔犹太博物馆内开枪,导致三人丧生,第四人严重受伤。 [00:11.64]The Belgium Prime Minister Elio Di Rupo says his country was united in the face of an evil attack in the Jewish cultural place. Ben Wright is in Brussels. 比利时总理埃利奥·迪吕波称,在犹太文化场所受到邪恶袭击时,他的国家是团结一致的。本·怀特报道。 [00:20.98]Security has been increased at Jewish-related sites across Belgium in response to this attack. 这次袭击发生后,整个布鲁塞尔所有与犹太有关的地点都加强了防范。 [00:27.00]Two women and one man were killed inside the Jewish museum in the fashionable Sablon District to the city, when the gunman opened fire in the middle of the afternoon. 在该市时髦的萨布隆区的犹太博物馆里,持枪歹徒在下午开枪,两名妇女和一名男子被杀。 [00:35.92]A fourth man was seriously wounded and is being treated in hospital. 第四人严重受伤,目前在医院治疗。 [00:39.67]Police have arrested one person they are treating as a suspect who drove away from the scene by car. 警方已经逮捕一名嫌犯,当时此人正开车离开现场。 [00:44.84]Police are still searching for a second person who ran away from the museum after the shooting. 警方仍在搜捕第二人,此人在枪击案后从博物馆逃跑。 [00:49.33]The Interior Minister said everthing pointed to this being an anti-Semitic attack. 内政部长称所有一切都说明这是一场反犹袭击。 [00:54.22]Pope Francisis has praised Jordan's leaders for welcoming Syrian refugees and for their efforts to seeking lasting peace in the region. 方济各教皇赞扬约旦领袖欢迎叙利亚难民,以及为该地区实现持久和平做的努力。 [01:01.88]The Pope was speaking in the Jordanian capital Amman at the start of a three-day visit to the Middle East.Jeremy Bowen is travelling with the Pope. 教皇目前在中东进行三天访问,访问第一天在约旦首都阿曼发表讲话。Jeremy Bowen跟随教皇报道新闻。 [01:09.44]The highlight of the day was open-air Mass among stadium only around two to three percent of Jordanian Christians, and they are mainly Orthodox, not Catholic. 这天的重点是一场露天弥撒,只有2%-3%的会众是约旦基督徒,主要是东正教徒,而非基督徒。 [01:20.88]But there were Christians here from across the region. 但也有来自该地区各地的基督徒, [01:24.32]Arab Christians feel beleaguered and threatened by Islamist militancy and the papal visit is really important for them. 阿拉伯基督徒感到受到伊斯兰武装分子的围攻和威胁,认为这次教皇之行很总要。 [01:32.19]The Pope insists his trip is about religion, not politics, but he is heading for Jerusalem where everything is political. It will take diplomatic skill to avoid controversy. 教皇坚称此行是为了宗教,不是政治,但他准备去耶路撒冷,那里的一切都与政治有关,要避免争议就需要外交技巧。 [01:42.47]The Russian President Vladimir Putin has condemned a remark by the heir to the British throne, Prince Charles, 俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京谴责英国王位继承人查尔斯王子的言论, [01:50.87]in which he is reported to have compared Russia to Nazi Germany about his severe action in Ukraine. 据悉查尔斯将普京在乌克兰的行动与纳粹德国相提并论。 [01:56.00]Bridget Kendall reports from Moscow. 布里奇特·肯德尔在莫斯科报道。 [01:58.30]Three days since the storm broke and now a direct action from the Russian president to the idea that his actions over Ukraine may have prompted Prince Charles to compare him with Hitler. 三天前这场争论就开始了,普京在乌克兰的行为使得查尔斯王子将之比作希特勒,现在俄罗斯总统直接予以回击。 [02:10.11]Speaking to international news Agencies at Russia's annual business conference. 在国际新闻社的俄罗斯年度会议上, [02:14.56]Mr. Putin asked them to pass on the message to both Prince Charles and the Prime Minister. 普京请他们向查尔斯王子和首相都传达这样的信息。 [02:20.12]“didn't hear it myself", said Mr. Putin, "but if you did say that, then it's unacceptable, this is not royal behavior.” “这句话不仅针对我自己,但如果你真的这么说了,那是不可接受的,这不是符合王室行为的言论。” [02:31.80]The final of Europe's most prestigious football competition, the Champion's League is drawing to a close in Lisbon. 欧洲最负盛名的足球竞赛欧冠决赛在里斯本渐近尾声, [02:38.54]For the first time, two teams from the same city, Real Madrid and Atletico Madrid reach the final. 两个球队皇家马德里队和马德里竞技队来自同一个城市,这是比赛史上的第一次。 [02:44.63]Atletico led for much of the match of taking the lead of the 36 minutes 在前36分钟内马竞一直处于领先, [02:49.91]but Real equalize in the last minute of added time, extra time is now being played with the latest score, still 1-1. 但皇马在最后一刻的加时赛中夺得最后一分,以1:1扳平。 [02:56.10]World News from the BBC. BBC世界新闻。 [02:58.76]The son of a Hollywood film director has been identified by his family as the gunman who killed 6 people in a series of drive-by shootings in the U.S. city of Santa Barbara. 好莱坞导演之子被家人发现就是在圣巴巴拉市飞车射击案的凶手,有6人在枪击案中丧生。 [03:09.98]The suspect, Elliot Rodger, was found dead inside a car which earlier sped through a student neighbourhoods spreeing bullets at passersby. ** has more. 人们发现嫌犯艾略特·罗杰死在一辆车中,这辆车早些时候曾飞速穿过一个学生社区,并向路人开枪。 [03:20.63]A lack of success with women was apparently his motive, and he wanted "retribution" as he put it. 和异性交往失败显然是他杀人的动机,他想“进行报复”。 [03:26.48]The killer's father is a British filmmaker, Peter Rodger. 凶手的父亲是英国制片人彼得·罗杰。 [03:30.04]The family's lawyer said Elliot had a history of mental illness and the police had been warned. 这家人的律师称艾略特有心理病史,警方已得到警告。 [03:34.72]Shootings at America are alarmingly frequent and often involve disillusion or mentally-ill young men in a country where there is easy access to guns. 美国的枪击案很频繁,在这个枪支容易获得的国家,枪击案经常与出现幻灭或心理疾病的青年人有关。 [03:43.08]Thailand's new military rulers have dissolved the country's senate in a further step to consolidate power following a coup on Thursday. 周二政变后,泰国新军事统治者解散该国参议院,希望进一步稳固权力。 [03:50.74]The move gave full legislative power to the army which has already dissolved the lower house of parliament, suspended the Constitution and arrested senior politians. 此举给军队充分的立法权,军队现已解散议会下议院,中止宪法并逮捕高级政客。 [03:59.86]The military said the King had acknowledged a letter from the army chief, but there is no indication whether he had endorsed the coup. 军队称国王受到军队领袖的信件,但没有说明国王是否赞同这场政变。 [04:06.75]The high court in Malawi has overruled an attempt by president Joyce Banda to annul the country's presidential and parliamentary elections. 马拉维最高法院推翻总统乔伊斯·班达试图废黜该国总统和议会选举的决定, [04:15.60]The court ordered the electoral commission to continue counting votes from this week's polls. 法院下令选举委员会继续在本周的选票中清点选票。 [04:20.67]Mr. Banda is in second place according to preliminary results, trailing Peter Mutharika, the brother of the late president Bingu Wa Mutharika. 根据初选结果班达位于第二,落后于已故总统宾古·瓦·穆塔里卡的兄弟彼得·穆塔里卡。 [04:29.02]The biggest prize at the Cannes film festival Palme d’Or has been awarded to the Turkish drama Winter Sleep. 戛纳电影节最大奖项金棕榈奖的得主是土耳其影片《冬眠》, [04:36.56]British actor Timothy Spall won the best actor prize as his role of the British painter J.M.W Turner. 英国演员蒂姆西·斯鲍尔因饰演英国画家威廉·透纳获得最佳演员奖, [04:42.48]Critics hailed his performance as riveting in the biopic of Mr.Turner. 评论家称赞他在特纳传记片中的表演。 [04:46.53]The best actress award went to Julianne Moore for her role in the film Maps to the Stars. 最佳女演员奖得主是饰演《明星地图》的朱丽安·摩尔, [04:51.54]And the American director Bennett Miller won the best director award for Fox Catcher.BBC News. 美国导演贝尼特·米勒凭《狐狸捕手》获得最佳导演奖。BBC新闻。