[00:00.00]BBC news with David Austin. 戴维·奥斯丁为你播报BBC新闻。 [00:03.17]The United States has for the first time charged five foreign military officials with economic cyber espionage. 美国首次指控5名外国军官从事进行经济网络间谍, [00:10.34]From Washington,here's Barbara Plett Usher. 芭芭拉·皮莱特·亚瑟在华盛顿报道。 [00:12.44]US justice and security officials said the hackers targeted industries such as nuclear power,metals and solar products. 美国司法和安全官员称这些黑客入侵的行业包括核电、金属和太阳能产品。 [00:19.03]They stole information and trade secrets that benefited Chinese competitors including state-owned companies, 他们窃取的信息和贸易秘密令中国竞争者受益,包括一些国有企业, [00:25.20]sometimes at crucial times during trade disputes and negotiations between the US and China. 有时是在美国和中国贸易争端和协商的关键时候。 [00:29.83]In the past,Chinese officials had responded to such allegations with demands for hard evidence. 过去,在面对此类指控时,中国官方总是要求提出切实证据。 [00:35.02]This is the first time the US has levied criminal charges,citing specific actions on specific days.China has reacted sharply to the move. 美国首次就具体日期的具体行为提出刑事指控,中国对此反应激烈。 [00:43.73]The foreign ministry in Beijing urged the United States to rectify what it described as America's mistake in bringing the charges. 中国外交部敦促美国对指控加以修正,称美国在指控中犯了错误。 [00:50.65]A court in New York has convicted the Egyptian-born radical Islamist preacher Abu Hamza on terrorism charges. 纽约法院判定埃及出生的极端伊斯兰牧师哈姆扎犯下恐怖罪, [00:58.32]Abu Hamza,a firebrand preacher at a London mosque,was extradited from Britain to the United States nearly two years ago.Nick Bryan in New York has the details. 哈姆扎是在伦敦一座清真寺进行煽动活动的牧师,两年前被从英国引渡到美国。尼克·布莱恩在纽约报道。 [01:08.45]The real Abu Hamza according to US prosecutors was a man who dedicated his life to violent Jihad, fighting, shooting, killing, 据美国检察官称,真实的哈姆扎是一个献身于暴力圣战的人,从事作战、开枪和杀人活动。 [01:15.89]he was the boss,and leader and recruiter of impressionable young men who he dispatched around the world to fight his battles. 他控制、领导并招募容易被煽动的青年人,将他们派到世界各地去作战。 [01:22.54]To Yemen,where he was accused of participation in the 1998 kidnapping of 16 western tourists,which ended with the deaths of three Britons and an Australian. 他被控1998年在也门参与绑架16名西方旅游者一案,这起案件导致3名英国人和一名澳大利亚人死亡。 [01:32.08]To rural Oregen on the west coast of America,where he sent his most trusted henchmen to establish a Jihadist training camp. 他还将心腹派到美国西海岸的俄勒冈农村地区,在那里建立了圣战分子培训营, [01:39.57]To Afghanistan,to fight for the Taliban and Al Qaeda.The jury found him guilty on all 11 accounts. 他还派手下到阿富汗为塔利班和基地组织而战,陪审团判定他犯下11宗罪。 [01:46.26]The United Nations says around 30 hostages captured in northern Mali by Tuareg separatists on Saturday have been released. 联合国称周六在马里北部被图阿雷格部族分类分子劫持的30多名人质全部获释, [01:54.43]The hostages were seized in the town of Kidal.Alex Duval Smith in Bamako has the details. 这些人质是在基达尔镇被劫持的。阿历克斯·杜瓦尔·史密斯在巴马科报道。 [02:00.04]A spokesman for the rebels told the BBC that the men most of them civil servants have been released as a humanitarian gesture. 叛军发言人告诉BBC,被绑架者多数是公务员,释放他们是出于人道主义姿态。 [02:07.61]However,the National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad has faced international condemnation after they took the hostages on Saturday. 然而,全民阿扎瓦德民族解放运动在周六劫持人质后遭到国际上的谴责, [02:15.21]In response to the hostage-taking,Mali's army has sent hundreds of reinforcements to Kidal, 面对劫持人质一事,马里军队派遣数百名援兵到基达尔, [02:20.88]and prime minister Moussa Mara has threatened to return to war. 总理穆萨·马拉以开展作为威胁。 [02:24.57]The hostages who are all Malians are said to be in good health but tired. 这些人质都是马里人,据说他们状况良好,但很疲倦。 [02:29.34]The head of Ukraine's national security council Andriy Parubiy has described Vladimir Putin's order for the withdrawal of Russian troops from the border as a stunt to mislead the international community. 乌克兰国家安全委员会负责人安德烈称弗拉基米尔·普京下令将俄罗斯军队从边境撤出的命令是一噱头,其实是为了误导国际社会。 [02:40.74]The White House and NATO have said they've seen no evidence of a withdrawal of Russian troops from areas bordering east Ukraine. 白宫和北约都表示看不到俄军从乌克兰东部边境撤出的证据。 [02:47.90]The Kremlin issued a brief statement earlier on Monday to say that president Putin had ordered Russian troops deployed on the border back to their bases.World news from the BBC. 克里姆林宫在周一早些时候发布声明,称普京总统已下令部署在边境的俄军撤回基地。BBC世界新闻。 [02:59.69]Some news just in, the US Justice Department has charged the bank Credit Suisse with conspiring to willfully help Americans evade taxes. 美国司法部指控瑞士信贷银行故意帮助美国人逃税, [03:09.38]The bank is expected to plea guilty to the charges at a hearing in Virginia shortly. 人们预测该行不久将在弗吉尼亚听证会上对指控认罪。 [03:13.95]The head of special forces in Libya's second city Benghazi has said he supports an anti-Islamist operation going on in the city.Rana Jawad reports from Tripoli. 利比亚第二大城市班加西特殊部队首领称他支持该市目前进行的反伊斯兰行动。Rana Jawad在的黎波里报道。 [03:24.63]In a televised statement,the head of Benghazi's special forces Wanis Bukhamada says he supports operation dignity in his city. 班加西特殊部队最高首领布哈马达在电视声明中说,他支持该市进行的这项行动。 [03:32.84]He added that his men have been fighting for a year and a half against terrorism. 他说他的部下已经进行了一年半的反恐, [03:37.90]This operation has been led by a retired general Khalifa Haftar whose forces launched an air-and-ground assault against Islamist militias in Benghazi on Friday. 该行动是在退休将军哈利法·哈他的领导下进行的,他的部队周五在班加西对伊斯兰民兵发动了空对地的袭击。 [03:46.93]The move was condemned by the Libyan government, because they didn't authorize it,saying it's amounted to an attempted coup. 这次行动遭到利比亚政府的谴责,因为没有得到政府授权,政府称这是政变未遂。 [03:53.56]The government has also proposed a recess in a bid to stay off descent into renewed civil war. 政府一直提议休整,目的是避免再次陷入内战。 [04:00.14]Bosnia says half a million people have left or have been evacuated from their homes because of the flooding. 波斯尼亚称有100万人已因洪灾离开或被撤离家园, [04:06.01]The country's foreign minister said it was the biggest exodus since the war of the 1990s. 该国外交部长称这是20世纪90年代以来最大的迁移。 [04:10.99]A quarter of the population is without clean water,and 100,000 homes have been hit either by flooding or by landslides. 目前有四分之一的人口没有清洁用水,10万户人家受到洪灾或泥石流的破坏。 [04:18.15]Hundreds of thousands of people have been affected in neighboring Serbia and Croatia. 邻国塞尔维亚和克罗地亚有成千上万人受灾, [04:22.55]More than 40 people have died,but it is feared that the figure will rise. 已有40多人丧生,但人们担心这一数字还会上升。 [04:26.97]Coordinated police raids in Europe and the Americas have led to the arrest of almost a hundred suspects linked to the malicious computer program known as Black Shades. 在欧洲和美国警方联合突袭行动中,近100名嫌犯因涉嫌参与名为“黑幕”的恶意计算机项目被捕。 [04:37.32]The European Crime Agency has said most of the raids were in Europe including Britain,France,and Germany with others in Canada,Chile and the United States. 欧洲犯罪署称大多数突袭是在欧洲进行的,包括英国、法国、德国,同时也有加拿大、智利和美国。 [04:46.80]Some half a million computers have been infected with Black Shades. 近50万台计算机感染“黑幕”, [04:50.70]It allows users to secretly encrypt a computer's data which is only released on payments of a ransom.BBC News. 该病毒使得使用者能将电脑的数据加密,只有在获得赎金后才解密。BBC新闻。