[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.07]A song written in 1842 by the German composer Mendelssohn lost for nearly 150 year has been found among the papers of a musician in America. More details from Rebecca Jones. 德国作曲家门德尔松在1842年创作的歌曲“失踪”了近150年,然而,一位美国音乐家在他的诸多文件中找到了它。丽贝卡?琼斯为我们讲述具体细节。 [00:15.51]You are listening to music that no one has heard for nearly 150 years. Mendelssohn wrote this song in 1842. It was a private commission and the manuscript was never published. 您现在所听到是已经沉寂了将近150年的歌曲。它是由门德尔松在1842年创作的,属于私人定制,并且手稿从未公开。 [00:39.46]And it's been played first by the pianist Christopher Glin and the singer Amy Williamson from the Royal College of Music. 皇家音乐学院的钢琴家克里斯托弗?格林和歌手艾米?威廉森首次联手演绎了这首曲目。 [00:56.57]What's your reaction to hearing this for the first time? 您第一次听到曲子是什么感受? [01:01.49]Well, it's lovely to hear it and beautifully sung. It's a very short song, very simple, not at all elaborate yet very effective. 到这首如此动听的歌曲感到很欣喜。歌曲很短,很简单,它一点儿也不复杂,却给人印象深刻。 [01:10.13]And Mendelssohn like all great composers, in addition to writing intricate works, could also write very straightforward masterpieces, which are nevertheless very expressive. 听像其他所有伟大的作曲家一样,门德尔松不但能够写出复杂的作品,而且可以创作出非常简单明了、却有表现力的优秀作品。 [01:21.15]I mean, all composers have their better days and off days, but this is certainly not one of Mendelssohn's off days. 当然,所有作曲家都有自己的创作高峰期和低谷期,但这个作品绝不是门德尔松低谷期的作品。 [01:28.48]What do we know about how the song came to be written? 关于这首歌曲的创作过程,我们了解多少呢? [01:31.34]We know quite a lot about its history in that it was written at the specific request of an acquaintance of his in Berlin in 1842. 歌曲的创作历程,我们了解得十分透彻。它是门德尔松在1842年应柏林友人要求专门创作的。 [01:40.43]We are having a look at the manuscript now. 这是曲子的手稿。 [01:43.05]It's just a single page manuscript, but at the end, it has this inscription by Mendelssohn with his customary wonderful signature. 手稿只有一页纸的篇幅,但在结尾处有门德尔松习惯性的亲笔签名,十分漂亮。 [01:52.05]And Mendelssohn's signatures are work of art in themselves. 他的签名本身就是一种艺术。 [01:55.23]So that's how we can be sure that this is genuinely by him. 这样一来,我们就可以断定手稿是他的真迹。 [01:57.58]It is in fact genuine. That's right. And there is also with the manuscript a little letter that Mendelssohn wrote a few days later. 是的,确实是这样。另外,和手稿一起存放的还有一小封信件,是门德尔松在歌曲创作完成几天后书写的。 [02:05.18]And the letter is significant because it makes it clear that he (had) written this song specifically and he asked him not to let other people have it to copy and so on. 这封信很重要,因为它表明这首曲子是门德尔松专门为某人写得,而且他在信中叮嘱此人勿让他人拿走复制,等等。 [02:19.33]So therefore, it is quite possible that what we've just listened to is the first public performance of this song. 所以说,我们刚才听到的曲子很可能是这首歌在公众面前的处女秀。 [02:25.22]I think almost certainly. 我认为基本上是这样的。