[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.24]The purpose of the meeting is to establish media plans. 召开这次会议的目的是要制订媒体计划。 [00:04.58]The objective of the meeting is to decide on the design of the company logo. 召开这次会议的目的是决定公司标识的设计。 [00:08.55]The aim of this meeting is to discuss ways to improve community relations. 召开这次会议的目的是讨论如何改善区域关系。 [00:14.12]We are meeting today to talk about consumer needs. 我们今天开会是要讨论消费者的需求。 [00:19.16]We have a meeting today to discuss how to avoid a consumer boycott. 我们今天开会是要讨论如何避免消费者的抵制。 [00:24.27]What we want to do today is to decide on candidates for the final interview. 我们今天要做的是决定最终的面试人选。 [00:29.57]We are here today to hear about the plans for after-sales service. 召集今天的会议是想听一下售后服务计剩。