[ti:] [ar:] [al:] [by:九九Lrc歌词网~www.99Lrc.net] [00:00.71]So then I said, "No, I couldn't see the difference…between the two absolutely identical belts'"… 然后说“不,我看不出有这两条完全相同的腰带有何区别” [00:05.55]and you should have seen the look she gave me! 你该看看她当时给我的眼神 [00:07.34]I thought the flesh was gonna melt off her face. 还以为她脸上的肉要化了一样 [00:11.09]It's not funny. 这不好笑 [00:12.46]She's not happy unless everyone around her is panicked, nauseous or suicidal. 要看到别人不安,恶心或者自杀,他才会开心 [00:16.83]And the Clackers just worship her. 还有哪些嘎嗒子却崇拜她 [00:19.79]The who? -They call them Clackers. 什么子? -她们叫嘎嗒子 [00:21.93]The sound that their stilettos make in the marble lobby. 高跟鞋接触大理石地面的生意 [00:25.13]It's like, "Clack, clack, clack. Clack, clack." 就像“噶哒,噶哒,噶哒,噶哒” [00:28.22]And they all act like they're curing cancer or something. 她们的样子好像去医癌症似的 [00:30.86]The amount of time and energy… that these people spend on these insignificant, minute details, and for what? 还费很大功夫和时间在不重要的回忆细节上,然后呢? [00:39.27]So that tomorrow they can spend another $300,000 reshooting something… 第二天他们就能再花30万重新拍照片 [00:43.41]that was probably fine to begin with… to sell people things they don't need! 或许对不需要哪些东西的人来说这好像不算什么 [00:48.30]God! I'm not even hungry anymore. -What? 天呢!我气饱了。-什么? [00:53.46]That is why those girls are so skinny. 怪不得那些女孩那么瘦 [00:56.82]Oh. No, no, no. 哦,不,不 [00:57.41]Give me that. There's, like, eight dollars ofJarlsberg in there. 给我,里面还有8美金的干酪呢 [01:02.43]You know what? I just have to stick it out for a year. One year. 你知道吗?我只要忍一年,一年 [01:07.67]And then I can do what I came to New York to do. 之后就能做我来纽约该做的事 [01:10.60]But I can't let Miranda get to me. I won't. 我绝不能输给马琳达, 绝不会 [01:13.04]Easy there, tiger. 别太勉强了