[00:00.00]BBC News with Jerry Smit 杰瑞·施密特为你播报BBC新闻。 [00:03.55]Ukraine's deposed President Viktor Yanukoych has called Russia's annexation of Crimea a tragedy. 乌克兰被废黜总统维克多·亚努科维奇称俄罗斯吞并克里米亚一事为惨剧。 [00:09.30]In his first interview since fleeing to Russia, 在接受自逃往俄罗斯的首次采访中, [00:11.99]Mr. Yanukoych said he would try to persuade President Putin to return the Crimea to Ukraine. David Stern reports from Kiev. 亚努科维奇说他将努力劝说普京总统将克里米亚归还乌克兰。戴维·斯特恩在基辅报道。 [00:19.55]Mr. Yanukoych said he hoped to convince Russian President Vladimir Putin to return Crimea to Ukraine. 亚努科维奇说他希望能说服普京总统将克里米亚归还给乌克兰。 [00:26.22]Moscow annexed Crimea after the majority of the peninsula’s residents voted to join Russia in a controversial referendum. 在那次有争议的公投中,克里米亚半岛上多数居民投票加入俄罗斯,然后莫斯科就吞并了克里米亚。 [00:34.19]Many members of the international community, including the United States and the European Union have called Russia's actions illegal. 国际社会很多成员,如美国和欧盟都称俄罗斯的行为非法。 [00:41.95]Mr. Yanukoych said he had remained in power, he would have tried to prevent the referendum, calling it a form of a protest against Ukraine's new pro-Western leaders. 亚努科维奇说如果自己还执政,就会尽力阻止公投,称公投是反对乌克兰亲西方新领导人的一种方式。 [00:51.94]The United States Supreme Court has issued the ruling, 美国最高法院判决, [00:55.08]which potentially gives big political donors more scope to fund Federal election campaigns. From Washington, Jane O'Brien. 允许大的政治捐赠者更大的余地来资助联邦选举活动。简·奥布莱恩在华盛顿报道。 [01:02.25]The 2012 presidential election costed more than $2bn and it was the most expensive in US history. 2012年的总统选举耗资20多亿美元,是美国历史上花费最多的一次。 [01:08.66]Individual donations to candidates are still capped, but there is no longer any limit to how many candidates the same individual can support. 个人对候选人的捐赠仍有限制,但现在已经不限制一位捐赠人能资助多少位候选人了。 [01:17.01]That's has the potential to influence congressional elections in which Republicans and Democrats are in a close battle for the senate and the House. 可能会影响国会选举中共和党和民主党对参议院和众议院的激烈角逐。 [01:25.24]For years, reformers have tried to limit how much individuals can spend, 多年来,改革者一直想限制个人的捐赠, [01:29.60]but this is the latest ruling by the Supreme Court that says such restrictions are unconstitutional. 但最高法院的判决称这种限制不合宪。 [01:35.90]A top aide to Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras has resigned following a leaked recording, 希腊总理安东尼斯·萨马拉斯的最高助手因视频泄露事件辞职, [01:42.05]in which he alleged the Miniter's influence to investigate against the extreme right-wing Golden Dawn party. 他在录音中称总理在针对极右翼金色黎明党的调查中施加影响。 [01:47.73]Panayiotis Baltakos was secretly filmed telling a Golden Dawn spokesman that there is no proof for criminal charges against the party. From Athens, Make Lowen reports. Panayiotis Baltakos被人偷拍到告诉金色黎明发言人不存在针对该党刑事指控的证据。马克·罗文在雅典报道。 [01:57.92]In a video posted online, Panayiotis Baltakos, the prime minister's aide appears to rubbish the criminal investigation against Golden Dawn. 在网上公布的视频中,总理的助手Panayiotis Baltakos似乎在贬损针对金色黎明的刑事调查, [02:06.72]He tells a senior party MP that there was no proof for criminal charges against Golden Dawn, 他告诉一位资深议员不存在针对金色黎明党刑事指控的证据, [02:12.88]but the two ministers called prosecutors to ensure the MPs were detained. 但两位部长呼吁检察官逮捕这位议员。 [02:17.31]He suggests the Prime Minister influence the investigation to stop votes going to the neo-Nazis. 他建议总理对调查施加影响,来阻止投票流向这个新纳粹党。 [02:22.92]This is at the very least an embarrassment for the government, 这件事令政府非常尴尬, [02:26.03]but will also be seen as a further evidence that Greece's judiciary is not independent and that the case against Golden Dawn is on shaky ground. 但也进一步表明希腊的司法不是独立的,而且针对金色黎明的案件岌岌可危。 [02:33.90]The France Prime Minister Manuel Valls has unveiled his new government bringing Segolene Royal, the former partner of President Francois Hollande, who also run for president. 法国总理曼纽尔·瓦尔斯透露其新政府成员包括总统弗朗索瓦·奥朗德的前伴侣塞格琳·罗雅尔,她曾经参加过总统竞选。 [02:44.41]She will be the new environment minister in a major shake up after the governing Socialist party suffered heavy losses in municipal elections. 执政的社会党在市政选举中遇挫,随后政府进行改组,塞格琳·罗雅尔将在这次大型改组后担任新的环境部长。 [02:51.69]In the new small cabinet, eight out the 16 ministers are women.World News from the BBC 在这个新的小型内阁中,16位部长中有8位是女性。BBC世界新闻。 [02:59.42]The United States has told Iran it has deepness givens about the diplomat Tehran's chosen as its next ambassador to the United Nations. 美国告诉伊朗对其任命一名外交官担任下届驻联合国大使一事表示担忧, [03:08.61]The State Department said he was linked to taking of US hostages in Tehran in 1979. From Washington Rajini Vaidyanathan. 美国国务院称此人与1979年美国人在德黑兰被挟为人质事件有关。Rajini Vaidyanathan在华盛顿报道。 [03:17.51]It's Hamid Aboutalebi's past which concerns many here in the US. 哈米德·阿波塔勒比的履历令很多美国人担忧, [03:21.99]At his time of a member of a Muslim student organization which remains controversial. 他曾经是一个穆斯林学生组织成员,该组织到现在仍然很有争议。 [03:28.08]The group was behind the seizer of the US embassy in Tehran in 1979. 该组织就是1979年美国驻德黑兰使馆被占领事件的幕后操作者, [03:33.68]It's not known what Mr.Aboutalebi's involvement was, he says he was nearly a translator. 尚不清楚Aboutalebi当时担任什么角色,他自称当时不过是名翻译。 [03:40.37]The US State Department says it has serious concern about Tehran's decision to nominate him as UN ambassador and says it raised this with Iranian officials. 美国国务院称对伊朗决定任命他为大使一事表示担忧,称已与伊朗官方提及此事。 [03:50.28]A survey in South Africa has revealed that the use of condom is declining despite high levels of HIV/AIDS. 南非一项调查表明,尽管该国艾滋病高发,但安全套的使用率却在下降。 [03:57.65]The Human Sciences Research Council said that South Africans under the age of 50 were having more sexual partners and using condoms less. 人类科学研究委员会称年龄在50岁以下的南非人拥有更多性伴侣,但使用的安全套却很少。 [04:05.48]It warned of the dangers of complacency. 该机构警告不要麻痹大意, [04:07.89]It said that three quarters of those surveyed believed they were at low risk of contracting HIV, 称四分之三的被调查者认为自己感染艾滋病毒的风险不大, [04:13.81]but that when tested, some 10% of those people were actually found to be already HIV positive. 但已经化验,大约10%的人事实上已经是艾滋病阳性。 [04:20.17]Forty soldiers have appeared before a military tribunal in Sierra Leone to face charges of attempting to kidnap the country's President Ernest Bai Koroma. 四名士兵因被控阴谋绑架塞拉利昂总统科罗马而出现在军事法庭受审, [04:30.08]They were arrested in August last year in the president's hometown of Makeni. 他们是去年8月份在总统家乡马可尼被捕的, [04:34.97]The Human rights organization have complained that the accused have been detained since then without charge. 人权组织投诉称被捕者在被拘留后一直没有被起诉。 [04:40.12]A new prison to house pirates has opened in Somalia's semi-autonomous region of Puntland. 索马里半自治地区普特兰成立一座用于拘留海盗的新监狱, [04:46.87]The $6m state of the art complex has been founded by Norway and the European Union. 这座耗资600万美元的监狱是由挪威和欧盟建造, [04:52.14]Some critics have described it as too luxurious for prisoners, saying it looks more like a hotel than a prison.BBC News 有批评者称这对囚犯来说太豪华了,称更像是酒店而不是监狱。BBC新闻。