[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.00]Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Dr. Leonard Hofstadter,and it is my very great honor to introduce the winner of this year's Chancellor's award for Science and my good friend, Dr. Sheldon Cooper. 女士们先生们 晚上好 我是莱纳德? 霍夫斯塔德博士很荣幸向各位隆重介绍本年度大学科学奖得主我的好友谢尔顿?库珀博士 [00:12.40]But before I do, I'd like to share with you a letter from Sheldon's mother, who couldn't be here tonight. Isn't that nice? His mother sent him a letter. 但在此之前 请允许我先宣读下谢尔顿母亲的来信 很遗憾她今晚未能亲临 很温馨了 是吧 他妈妈给他写了封信 [00:24.14]She's proud of him. I wonder what that feels like... "Dear Shelly." that's what she calls him. Shelly it's a pet name. You know what my mother's pet name for me is? Leonard. But I digress. "Dear Shelly..." 他为自己儿子感到自豪 真想知道那会是什么感觉...亲爱的谢利 她都是这么叫他的 谢利 这是个昵称 知道我妈给我取的什么昵称吗 莱纳德 我又离题了 亲爱的谢利... [00:46.68]Oh, dear. 天哪 [00:49.18]What's the matter? 你怎么了 [00:50.29]I'm getting dizzy. Don't worry. You're surrounded by your CMen. 我有点晕 别担心 你的C战警们 都守护着你 [00:53.90]I can't do this. I'm going to faint. Here, drink this.It'll relax you. 我做不到 我要晕倒了 给 喝点这个 能让你放松 [01:01.20]Alcohol? I don't drink alcohol. 酒吗 我不喝酒的 [01:03.56]Fine, faint. 好吧 那你晕吧 [01:07.39]I don't feel different.This alcohol is defective. 没觉得有何不同 这酒根本没用 [01:12.89]Here, see if this one works. 给 看这个有没有用 [01:14.77]First of all, the projects were totally different. I was showing that classical music nurtures lima beans and makes them grow, but my mother didn't hear me. 首先 那是完全不同的实验主题 我的实验证明 培植青豆时 给它们放古典乐 能促进它们生长 但我妈根本不听我的 [01:29.57]If you'd like to look at the relationship between nurturing and growth, I'd like to point out that my brother is eight inches taller than me. 想知道精心培育能不能促进成长吗 我想告诉大家我哥哥整整比我高8英尺。 [01:35.67]I'm ready. 我准备好了 [01:38.72]right. Ladies and gentlemen, our guest of honor Dr. Sheldon Cooper. 对了 女士们先生们 欢迎我们的贵宾 谢尔顿?库珀博士 [01:46.45]Thanks, shorty, I'll take it from here. 谢了小矮人 下面我接手就行了