[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.31]People are complaining about your behavior. 大家对你的行为很不满 [00:03.14]Okay? And, yeah. About mine? 怎么啦? 没错 有关我的? [00:05.01]And your odor. 还有你身上的味道 [00:08.21]Are you showering like we discussed? 我要你去洗澡 你洗了吗? [00:09.20]I'm wearing shoes. You asked me to wear shoes, and I've got them on. 你要我不要打赤脚 我已经照做了,我确实穿上鞋子了 [00:11.20]That's not part of the deal, Steve. 这不是问题的关键所在 史蒂夫 [00:13.31]You've gotta learn how to work well with other people. 你得学会跟别人共事 [00:16.26]I'm just trying to do it right, Al. 我只是想把事情做得好一些 [00:20.02]I know you are. 我知道 [00:21.30]Then let me. 那就别管我 [00:22.25]Listen, Steve! 听着 史蒂夫! [00:24.33]You're good. You're damn good. 你很棒 非常棒! [00:28.14]But you're an asshole. 但你就是个浑球 [00:31.59]Well, that... 呃 天哪... [00:32.40]Hey. Let me finish. 嘿 让我说完 [00:35.25]I want you here. I really do. 我想让你待在这里 我真心这样想 [00:39.45]Something's gotta change. 但你必须改变自己 [00:44.08]Give me my own project. What? 让我独自做一个项目 什么? [00:46.04]Give me my own project. 把我自己的项目交给我做 [00:48.21]I'll do it on my own. 我独自一人完成 [00:49.27]And I'll make the best damn game you have ever seen. 我会做一个你从没见过的好游戏 [00:54.16]You're serious. 你说真的 [00:57.47]Okay, Steve. 好吧 史蒂夫 [00:59.56]I need someone to reprogram a troublesome game. 我需要有人重新制作一些有问题的游戏 [01:01.46]But I'm on a tight deadline. 但是我时间上很紧张 [01:03.35]So if you can deliver,we'll pay you up to $5,000. 如果你能如期完工,我会付给你5 000美元 [01:09.43]$5,000? Mmm-hmm. Okay. 5 000美元 呣... 好的 [01:13.01]And as for your personal issues, I think I may have a solution. 至于你的个人问题 我有办法能解决