[00:01.44]I'm giving you one last chance to come down! 我给你们最后一次机会让你们下来 [00:04.94]Okay! All right! 好的 我明白了 [00:10.43]I don't like doing this, but you've forced my hand! 我也不想诉诸武力 不过这都是你们逼的 [00:14.22]Oh, come on! So lucky! 哦 怎么会这样 你们够走运的 [00:22.41]You got so lucky! You know what? 你们走狗屎运了 知道不 小鬼们 [00:24.42]Next one's coming right through the window! 下一发炮弹可就要直直地穿进窗子啦 [00:26.19]Oh, yeah? Take that! 是吗 吃我一弹 [00:28.26]What are you doing? 你怎么也上去了 [00:33.61]Fightin' the power! 向强权开战 [00:35.70]But we're the power. 可我们是掌权者啊 [00:38.71]The kids are right. This treehouse is worth saving. 孩子们是对的 小树屋应该被保留 [00:42.95]What is going on over here? 这里乱糟糟的到底闹腾啥呢 [00:45.27]You know, this really isn't a good time, Mrs. Dabney. 这可真不是聊天的好时间 Dabney太太 [00:48.50]You'd better get a handle on that family of yours 你最好去好好地驾驭自己的家人 [00:50.28]'Cause right now, it looks like they're kicking your butt. 因为就目前而看 似乎他们不把你当回事 [00:52.24]Would you let me deal with this, please? 劳您大驾 你能让我自己处理这事儿吗 行吗 [00:54.97]You'd better, 'cause hercules is getting kinda lonely. 最好快点 因为大力神觉得有点寂寞 [00:57.67]I'm thinking of getting another dog. 我正考虑再多养一只狗呢 [00:59.55]Are you threatening me? 你现在是要威胁我吗 [01:02.86]This one's gonna be female... 再弄一只母狗来 [01:04.42]Might even have some puppies. 他们可能还能生一窝狗宝宝呢 [01:06.44]That's right. 这就对了 [01:11.75]You go get them down. 你去把他们弄下来 [01:13.17]Time to put on the big pants! 该是展现一家之主威力的时候啦 [01:15.40]He's coming up. 他要上来啦 [01:18.13]We have to stop him. 我们必须拦截他 [01:20.05]Hold your fire! 不要开火 [01:20.84]Careful, 小心 [01:21.51]This could be a trick. 这可能是个陷阱 [01:22.60]I come in peace. I've come to join the resistance. 我是求和来的 我要加入反抗组织 [01:26.76]All right! Yeah! 太好了 好耶 [01:28.49]That's right, Mrs. Dabney! 就是这样 Dabney太太 [01:32.75]I don't care about your dog! 我不在乎你的狗呢 爱咋咋地 [01:33.66]Oh, the big pants are on 我确实要释放威力了 [01:35.43]And they're staying up here with my family. 但这是为了捍卫我的家人们 [01:37.37]We did it! Yes! 胜利啦 解放啦 [01:39.16]You can have a treehouse, Charlie. 你将拥有一个小树屋了 Charlie [01:42.52]For a long long time. 会度过好长好长的美好时光的 [01:44.14]What was that? 那是什么声音 [01:50.65]Wait, have we ever all been up here at the same time? 等一下 我们是不是所有人都爬上去然后超载了 [01:54.18]Is everyone okay? 大家都没事吗 [02:07.66]Yeah... I think so. 还好 - 没问题 [02:10.84]Whoa, look! 哇 看啊 [02:12.32]Oh, hon! 哦 小宝贝