[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:02.14]Calligraphy is the artful and visual expression of communication. 书法是一种把艺术和视觉结合的表现形式 [00:07.41]Take Garamond, for example. 比如说Garamond字体 [00:09.46]A typeface specifically designed to make the very act of reading more natural. 特殊的字体设计是为了让每一种阅读体验,更加的自然 [00:28.20]Computers are inherently designed to make your lives easier. 电脑之所以被发明 是为了让人们的生活更容易 [00:31.54]Theoretically there's no limit to what computers can do. 理论上讲 没有什么是电脑做不到的 [00:52.21]It is not who you were at birth that matters 你出生时是谁 并不重要 [00:55.38]but what you do with the time you are given. 重要的是 你在有生之年做了什么 [00:58.51]The moment of your death is fixed. 人生苦短 [01:01.48]Life is but a journey to serenity, to its completion. 在生命的终点 一切将归于平静 [01:17.10]Be as simple as you can be. 简单地做好自己 [01:20.25]You'll be astonished to see how uncomplicated and happy your life can become. 你会惊奇地发现生活变得简单而且快乐 [01:45.06]I don't even know what I'm gonna do when I go back home. 我不知道我回家了要做什么 [01:50.16]What about you? 你呢? [01:52.53]What are you gonna do when you get back to The Valley? 回到矽谷后你想做什么? [01:55.11]Steve?Steve? You okay? 史蒂夫?史蒂夫? 你还好吗? [02:11.13]No. No, no! No. It's still black and white. 不 不 不! 这还是黑白两色的 [02:16.37]People want color. 老百姓想要彩色的 [02:18.15]Pong didn't have color. So? 这产品过去一直没有彩色的 那么? [02:20.21]Let's do something better. 让我们把产品做得更好一点点 [02:21.45]It can't do color. 这东西没办法做成彩色的 [02:23.57]Says who? 谁说的? [02:25.19]Okay, you refuse to do anything that vaguely escapes your comfort zone. 好 你不愿意做任何努力,稍微困难一点的事情你就放弃 [02:29.23]You're not even my boss. 你又不是我老板 [02:30.20]Well, I damn sure should be. 呃 我觉得我应该做你的老板 [02:31.51]Hey. Jobs! 嘿 乔布斯! [02:34.07]What're you doing, Steve? 你在干嘛呢 史蒂夫? [02:35.11]He's an idiot. 他就是个蠢货 [02:36.28]You know, and half the people around here don't know how to design shit. 你们知道的 这屋子里一半的人根本不懂设计产品