[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.05]45. The Offender 犯规者 [00:12.13]The other day my brother and I went to the cinema by bicycle. 一天我和弟弟骑车去看电影, [00:20.38]With only one bicycle, my brother had to sit behind me on parcel rack. 因为只有一辆自行车,弟弟只好坐在后座上。 [00:26.19]Both of us kept an eye on the policemen, but, to our surprise, a young man and a girl came up and stopped us at a crossroad. 我们俩都仔细注意有没有警察,但是,令人惊讶的是一对青年男女走上前来拦住了我们。 [00:36.15]We've found you at long last, they cried. However, we didn't know them. “我们终于找到了你们!”他们叫着,然而我们并不认识他们。 [00:42.12]The young man seemed to read our thought and explained, 这个男青年似乎看出我们的想法,解释说: [00:47.05]The policeman stopped us about half an hour ago and made us catch the next offender. Now it is your turn. “半小时前警察拦住了我们,并罚我们在这儿抓到下一个犯规的。现在该你们了。 [00:54.31]Don't leave until you catch the next. 抓到下一个犯规的你们才能离开。 [00:57.40]I hope that you don't have to wait as long as we did. Good luck. 我希望你们不会像我们等这么久。祝你们好运!”