[by:可可英语~www.utensil-race.com] [00:00.23]His plan did not vary on seeing them. Miss Bennet's lovely face confirmed his views, and established all his strictest notions of what was due to seniority; 他看到这几位小姐之后,并没有变更本来的计划。一看到吉英那张可爱的脸蛋儿,他便拿定了主张,而且更加确定了他那些老式的想法, [00:09.50]and for the first evening she was his settled choice. The next morning, however, made an alteration; for in a quarter of an hour's têteatête with Mrs. Bennet before breakfast, 认为一切应当先娶最大的一位小姐。头一个晚上他就选中了她。不过第二天早上他又变更了主张,因为他和班纳特夫人亲亲密密地谈了一刻钟的话, [00:19.24]a conversation beginning with his parsonagehouse, and leading naturally to the avowal of his hopes that a mistress for it might be found at Longbourn, produced from her, 开头谈谈他自己那幢牧师住宅,后来自然而然地把自己的心愿招供了出来,说是要在浪博恩找一位太太,而且要在她的令嫒们中间找一位。 [00:28.10]amid very complaisant smiles and general encouragement, a caution against the very Jane he had fixed on. 班纳特太太亲切地微笑着,而且一再鼓励他,不过谈到他选定了吉英,她就不免要提请他注意一下子了。 [00:34.39]As to her younger daughters she could not take upon her to say she could not positively answer but she did not know of any prepossession; her eldest daughter, “讲到我几个小女儿,我没有什么意见──当然也不能一口答应──不过我还没有听说她们有什么对象;至于我的大女儿, [00:44.42]she must just mention she felt it incumbent on her to hint, was likely to be very soon engaged. 我可不得不提一提──我觉得有责任提醒你一下──大女儿可能很快就要订婚了。” [00:51.51]Mr. Collins had only to change from Jane to Elizabeth and it was soon done done while Mrs. Bennet was stirring the fire. 柯林斯先生只得撇开吉英不谈,改选伊丽莎白,一下子就选定了──就在班纳特太太拨火的那一刹那之间选定的。 [00:59.26]Elizabeth, equally next to Jane in birth and beauty, succeeded her of course. 伊丽莎白无论是年龄,美貌,比吉英都只差一步,当然第二个就要轮到她。 [01:04.39]Mrs. Bennet treasured up the hint, and trusted that she might soon have two daughters married; 班纳特太太得到这个暗示,如获至宝,她相信很快就可以嫁出两个女儿了; [01:09.50]and the man whom she could not bear to speak of the day before was now high in her good graces. 昨天她提都不愿意提到的这个人,现在却叫她极为重视了。